Letter to the Editor

Communication is key to support

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Letter to the Editor:

The Kennett City Council is in the process of changing how we are governed in the city.  The Police Chief being an elected official is a stumbling block to that end.  

I do not disagree that this premise belongs on the table for discussion, however, it is my belief that this issue should be presented to the voters of Kennett.  

As Brian Mitchell stated in the press, there is a history of this issue, but one he did  not wish to discuss.   Questions  I have for the City Council is, "Why not present the reasoning, pros and cons, to the citizens for THEIR input?  How many citizens in your own wards did you talk to?  Was a Town Hall meeting concept discussed prior to advertising and commencing interviews for a City Administrator?   

In order to gain support on any issue, communication is key.  The City Council is accountable to the citizens of Kennett.  I would encourage anyone who has an opinion on this issue to quickly contact your representative and or Mayor.  Better yet, attend the city council meeting Tuesday night at 7 p.m. [Nov. 15] and communicate your wishes during the public time.  

Brenda J. Connell

Ward Two

Kennett, Mo.