2010 Miss Missouri Peach Queen, 18 year old Megan Hall of Portageville was crowned Friday night, August 13 at the Campbell Community Building.Courtney Luke
Ashli WallaceCourtney Luke
Taylor MillerCourtney Luke
2010 Peach Fair FinalistCourtney Luke
Miss Congeniality 2010Courtney Luke
A tense momentCourtney Luke
WalkCourtney Luke
The Queen and her court- Megan Hall of Portageville, the 18 year old daughter of Leslie Hall was crowned 2010 Miss Missouri Peach Fair Queen at Friday nights pageant. Runners up included from left to right: 4th Alternate, Alexa Grissom of Gideon, she is the 16 year old daughter of Michelle Houart; 1st Alternate, Taylor Miller of Malden, the 16 year old daughter of Ronnie and Penny Miller; Hall; 2nd Alternate, Katy Strickland of Piggott, Ark., the 17 year old daughter of Lori and Shawn Parker and Scott and Amy Strickland; 3rd Alternate, Ashli Wallace of Malden, the 19 year old daughter of Steve and Judy Wallace; Miss Congeniality, Jonna-Kaye Jones of Steele, the 17 year old daughter of John and Debbie Jones.Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
2 queensCourtney Luke
Queen & CongenialityCourtney Luke
2010 QueenCourtney Luke
Grand Marshal and Honorary Peach Queen, Mr. and Mrs. ToddCourtney Luke
Rachel McDowell, entertainment for the Miss Peach Fair Queen PageantCourtney Luke
Enthusiastic fans encircle Justin Heskett before his August 14 concert at Campbell's Peach Fair.Courtney Luke
Justin HeskettCourtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Jamie O'NealCourtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Master of CeremoniesCourtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Courtney Luke
Alexa GrissomCourtney Luke
Megan TrewathaCourtney Luke
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