The January session of the Arbyrd City council started with a number of project updates.
Street Project
Engineer Shannon Todd emailed his recommendation to the board regarding the selection of an asphalt company for the the street project.
City Clerk Flora Smith read his email to the board.
Todd recommended the board award the project to Robertson Asphalt with a low base bid of $317,063.80. The project includes the removal of a partially collapsed manhole cone section, installation of a new cone section with a new rim, frame, and cover, as well as, restoration of disturbed surfaces.
Streets to be paved include, N. and S. Main, W. Frisco, College, N. and S. Olive, N. and S. Sycamore, N. 2nd, N. 3rd, N. 4th, and N. and S. Elm.
Councilman Derrick Higgins made a motion to accept the bid from Robertson Asphalt of $317,063.80, and award them the contract.
Councilwoman Brandy George second the motion, and the motion carried with all in favor.
It was also voted on and agreed to allow Mayor Richard Kelley to sign the contract.
City Clerk Smith followed with an update concerning the tractor.
"The insurance company has sent a check for the claim on the tractor in the amount of $23,567," informed Smith. "The check was deposited into the Street Account to be held towards the purchase of a new tractor."
Smith shared Rural Development has been contacted regarding grant funds. None are available at this time, but are expected sometime in the spring.
Smith then reminded the board that in May of 2023, SEMA floodplain administrators audited Arbyrd.
Three issues still need resolving.
Those issues are flood vents needing to be placed in the Arbyrd City Shop, a house located at 103 Oak Street needs to be elevated one foot, and a post construction elevation certificate needs to be obtained for the house built on Annie Street.
The owners of the house on Annie Street have been contacted about the elevation certificate.
Smith provided that it was time to renew their membership in the Missouri Rural Water association at a cost of $300 a year.
Councilman Higgins brought forth a motion to renew the membership. Councilman Greg Hulett second the motion and it passed with all in favor.
Purchase Requests
City Clerk Smith requested that a repeat purchase of two rolls of postcard stamps be granted in order to mail water bills each month. Motion carried with all in favor.
Mayor Kelley followed with a request to purchase propane and oxygen in order to use a cutting torch. The board requested quotes before approving the request.
Smith then presented the mid-year financial report.
The report indicates a combined total income of $294,359.28 with total expenses of $185,074.36. This shows a profit of $109,284.92.
The profit is in regards to the sale of asset of $118,562.12, without which there would have been a loss of $9,277.20 due to decreased sales tax income.
Smith also informed the board that it would be a requirement for the city to provide one hour of sick leave for every thirty hours worked. This must take effect May 1, 2025. Higgins made a motion and it carried with all in favor.
David McCoy provided the code enforcement report. No citations were written over the Christmas holiday.
McCoy requested Welch's Hauling be contacted about a dumpster for spring cleanup.
Smith stated that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources came down and did their annual water inspection.
Two areas of concern were the lack of a licensed water operator. Matt Smith stated his license was contingent on taking a test and he would be back into compliance.
Inspector Derrick Calvert advised the city needed a contracted backup operator.
Also, the water tower inspection is overdue. The last tower inspection was completed in 2017 and should be completed every two to five years. It was advised to contact the Department of Natural Resources for financial assistance to help with the substantial cost.
The next meeting of the Arbyrd City Council will be held on tuesday, February 11, 2025.