July 7, 2013

The fourth annual "Fall into Arts" Festival is shaping up to be one of the best ever with new events being added each day. This year's event promises to offer an art experience that will definitely please all the senses. The 2013 festival is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 6, Saturday, Sept 7, and Sunday, Sept. 8, in downtown Kennett...

File Photo
Interested customers look at the items for sale at the 2012 Fall into Arts Festival.
File Photo Interested customers look at the items for sale at the 2012 Fall into Arts Festival.

The fourth annual "Fall into Arts" Festival is shaping up to be one of the best ever with new events being added each day. This year's event promises to offer an art experience that will definitely please all the senses.

The 2013 festival is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 6, Saturday, Sept 7, and Sunday, Sept. 8, in downtown Kennett.

Scheduled performers for this year's event includes the Kennett School of Performing Arts, Barton and Para (www.bartonpara.com), Rocky Clements Show of Wonders, Roxy's Dance Troop, Scott Myatt (www.scottmyatt.com), and Semo Little Theater Group.

Although, new activities and performances are constantly being added each day to the organization's web site, the following are those that have already been confirmed and are current.

To kick off the weekend, on Friday, Sept. 6, the Semo Little Theater will be presenting a performance of "Oedipus Rex (The King).

The performance is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m., and will be held at the Dunklin County Courthouse. There will be a repeat performance on Saturday.

Last year, Semo Little Theater chose the venue for the performance of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution," which proved to be a tremendous success.

On Saturday, Sept. 7, for those who are looking for a good time, there will be a variety of things going on to choose from.

Saturday's activities include:

* Kennett Farmers Market- 7 a.m. - 12 p.m., Kennett Clinic Parking lot;

* Children's Story Time- 9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Dunklin County Library;

* Presbyterian Bazaar- 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., Presbyterian Church. Watch for more details on the Presbyterian Bazaar in future editions of the Daily Dunklin Democrat.

* Art/Craft Show & Sale- 11 a.m.- 5 p.m., Opera House and West side of the square;

* Scott Myatt- 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Main Stage

* Jaycees' Chili Cook-off - 2 p.m.- 5 p.m., East side of the square.

This is the first time that the Jaycees have coordinated with the "Fall into Arts" Festival to bring a Chili Cook-off to the event.

According to Marianne Wright, festival coordinator, for $10, the Jaycees will be selling mugs which will act as festival goers "ticket" to unlimited chili.

An estimated dozen competitors are expected to cook their variations of the spicy dish. If any more information is needed on this event, log on to www.kennettjaycees.com.

Sunday's line- up is as follows:

* Art/Craft Show & Sale - 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Opera House and West side of the square;

* Scott Myatt- 12 p.m. - 1 p.m., Main Stage;

* Roxy's Dance Troop- 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3 p.m., in front of Main Stage;

* Kennett School of Performing Arts- 4 p.m - 4:30 p.m., in front of Main Stage.

Food vendors include:

* Youth Uniting in Christ - Cotton candy;

* Presbyterian Bazaar - Barbecue;

* Kennett Jaycees - Chili Cook-off and beverages;

* Redeemer Lutheran Church - Corndogs, popcorn, lemonade, and sodas;

* Chris Droke - Jambalaya.

All of the vendors on board for the food are from the Bootheel area and the majority of these use the event for their organization/cause.

As always, the festival wouldn't be complete without the art competitions.

In the adult art category, included are painting (watercolors, oils, acrylics, and pastels), graphics (pen and ink, pastels, pencils, mixed media, computer art), 3-Dimensional works (sculpture, fiber art, jewelry, ceramics, glass, wood). Photography categories include portraits, color, black and white.

Prize money is as follows, First Place/$150, Second Place/$100, Third Place/$50 and Best of Show/$200. For more information, contact Inga Eubanks at (870) 598-3405 or (870) 598-4906.

In the Youth Art/Craft Categories, included are paintings (oils, watercolors, and acrylics), graphic arts (pen and ink, pencil, pastels, conte crayon and computer art).

Photography categories include black and white, color and portrait. Prizes are for First Place/$50, Second Place/$30, Third Place/$20, and Best of Show/$100.

For more information, contact Libby Mobley at (573) 888-1764 or (573) 757-5325. You may also contact her at bestlib@sbcglobal.net.

Sponsorship for the festival is available at four levels, Masterpiece ($1,000), Original ($500), Print ($250), and Sketch ($100). Each level has different recognitions.

The "Fall into Arts Festival" is sponsored by the Kennett Alliance for the Arts (KAFTA) and is a non-profit organization comprised of the CottonBoll Artist League, Friends of Music Society, and Semo Little Theater Group. All proceeds will be used to promote the arts.

For more information on the festival, you may also log on to their web site at www.kafta.org.

* Information has been sourced from kafta.org.
