June 23, 2005

Over the next couple weeks, loud pops and booms will be heard throughout the city of Kennett as people began their 4th of July celebrations. As the sale of fireworks began on Monday, June 20, Wilson's Fireworks opened the doors to their new building located behind Kentucky Fried Chicken...

Jennifer Breeze
Matt Wilson and Elijah King shop for fireworks on Tuesday at Wilson's Fireworks. The the first official day for the sale of fireworks began on Monday, June 20.
Matt Wilson and Elijah King shop for fireworks on Tuesday at Wilson's Fireworks. The the first official day for the sale of fireworks began on Monday, June 20.

Over the next couple weeks, loud pops and booms will be heard throughout the city of Kennett as people began their 4th of July celebrations.

As the sale of fireworks began on Monday, June 20, Wilson's Fireworks opened the doors to their new building located behind Kentucky Fried Chicken.

"For the first week it's a lot of lookers," said Sharon Wilson. "The week up to the fourth is when we do the most business."

Wilson and her husband, Bill, are part of the Wilson family firework business, that has been selling fireworks for the past 50 years.

"My husband's dad, Joe, started selling fireworks and then we took over," she said. "It's sort of a family tradition."

Fireworks can come in all shapes, sizes and sounds; ranging in price from a dime to $120 for a family pack of fireworks.

"The most popular fireworks are bottle rockets and the reloadable sky display's," Wilson said.

Kennett's city ordinance for shooting fireworks says that the noisemakers are permitted between the hours of 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. from June 30 until July 3. On the Fourth of July, residents will be able to celebrate with fireworks from 2 p.m until midnight.

City clerk Brenda Privett said that the police may be called if fireworks are shot off before the date allowed. A summons could also be issued for breaking the ordinance regarding fireworks.

Assistant Fire Chief David Horton said that there normally aren't too many problems with fireworks if people use them correctly.

"Minor children should be put under adult supervision, don't throw fireworks, put them in some kind of container to shoot them," he said. "Mainly people just need to use good common sense when shooting fireworks."
