March 10, 2015

Only a year ago in January 2014, CBS News reported that roughly 38,000 American service members were still in Afghanistan. In a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday, March 8, correspondent Scott Pelley reported that approximately 2.5 million Americans served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the group that he interviewed five years ago when they first returned, one was found homeless and living in a storage unit...

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Only a year ago in January 2014, CBS News reported that roughly 38,000 American service members were still in Afghanistan. In a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday, March 8, correspondent Scott Pelley reported that approximately 2.5 million Americans served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Among the group that he interviewed five years ago when they first returned, one was found homeless and living in a storage unit.

Although, there are still thousands serving in the middle east, the number of military men and women who have returned and who are currently returning home to unemployment is high. It was because of these veterans that in 2010, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon started the "Show-Me Heroes" program, which became a cooperative effort between the Missouri Army National Guard and the Missouri Division of Workforce Development. "Our mission is to connect Missouri's businesses with highly qualified jobseekers with military experience and to promote the benefits of hiring Veterans and National Guard and Reserve Service Members," says Gov. Nixon in a quote on the program's website at

Since the program started, it has signed up 4,241 employers and employed 7,481 veterans. According to their website, the program offers many reasons for hiring military men and women, but the main ones is because of the skills they acquire while in the service, such as leadership and understanding of hierarchical and peer structures, the ability to work together as a team, efficient performance under pressure, respect for procedures, as well as integrity and dedication.

Although it is beneficial for the hire, it is also beneficial to the company who hires the veteran because of many of the incentives the come with it. Hiring incentives through the program offers on-the-job (OJT) training to help businesses offset their cost associated with bringing in new hires. Companies that join the program and take the Show-me Heroes pledge may qualify for reimbursement for 50 percent of the wages of the new employee up to 1040 hours. Not only that, but they may also qualify for federal tax credits through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program.

Transitioning from service to civilian life can be hard, but it is even tougher when returning to no job.

"We want a good network for those veterans returning from service," said Barry.Lt. Jon Barry, Director, for the Show-me Heroes program out of Jefferson City. He went on to say that as he travels across the state introducing businesses to the program, he continues to hear from veterans, both young and old, who are excited with the program. "The older veterans say that they are glad the young ones have a program like this to come home to," said Barry. "They don't want the younger veterans to experience what they did when they returned from service."

In addition to the state reimbursements, employers who sign up for the program and hire service men and women, may also qualify to receive federal tax credits through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program. Barry stressed the fact that not all businesses qualify for the federal credit, but employers can go to the Show-me Heroes website to find out what is needed to obtain those benefits.

Since the program started, those employers who have signed up and hired veterans are eligible for the Flag of Freedom award, which is a plaque that features a subdued American flag patch that was worn by a Missouri National Guard soldier or Airman while deployed in support of the operations in Afghanistan or Iraq. American Railcar in Kennett recently received the Flag of Freedom award for their participation in the program during the February monthly Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Recently, Gov. Nixon implemented another phase in growing the program, and that was one through community chambers of commerce called the Show-Me Heroes Chamber Challenge. The new phase was designed to encourage chambers and their members to promote the program to businesses in their area. For those chambers that take the pledge, they too can earn awards from the state as Gold if 50 percent of more the chamber members pledge to hire through the program; Silver if 30 percent of chamber members pledge to hire; and Bronze if 10 percent of the chamber members pledge to hire through the Show-Me Heroes program.

Barry said that Gov. Nixon is proud of the program and highlights it at national meetings he attends. The steps to becoming a Show-Me Heroes employer are easy. First, visit and take the pledge to become a Show-Me Heroes business. There they will feature that company's logo on their website and present the new pledging company with a certificate to hang on their wall. Second, once they have pledged the company can post their job openings on and contact their local career center to help recruit veterans and service members in their area. Finally, the company needs only to engage by reporting the veterans or service members they have hired. Once completed, Show-Me Heroes will award the company with a special Flag of Freedom award (plaque). There are a lot of other reasons to join the Show-Me Heroes program, but the most important one is to hire a veteran or service man or woman.

For businesses or veterans seeking more information about the Show-Me Heroes program go to or call the local career center at 573-888-4518 for the nearest veterans employment representative.
