David Nail, a Kennett native, scheduled to make his Grand Ole Opry debut on Saturday, May 16. This performance will showcase songs from the upcoming album "I'm About To Come Alive," which can be heard live on Nashville's WSM, Sirius, XM, and others. Nail's new album, for which he wrote five of the eleven tracks, will be released through MCA Nashville later in the summer
Nail's representative, Brian Wolf said, "David is extremely proud of the album and he concentrated on the artistic side of the music."
Nail wanted a really strong piano player used in the album, according to Wolf. As a result, the piano is used as a main instrument in the songs "Mississippi" and "Turning Home" found on the album, Wolf noted.
"There is a lot of soul in David's singing and the type of music that he creates," Wolf said. "This soul comes from the influence from his father."
"The album is like a complete story that is told throughout the whole thing," Wolf explained.
"I'm About To Come Alive" is two years in the making.
"We started making the album in late 2007," Nail said.
Producers Frank Liddell and Michael Wrucke joined Nail on the album and worked hard listening to different artists and music, along with discussing direction for the album, according to Nail.
"We had to decide what we were looking to accomplish," Nail explained.
Nail noted that Chris Knight, of Nashville, Tenn., made a record that was not a huge success in the market. But, the record was a big hit with the people of Nashville.
"If the album is mentioned around town people still talk about how well they liked it," Nail said. "This is the type of album that I wanted to make."
Nail added that he wanted to be able to look back and be proud of the album that he created.
The two year period consisted of Nail and the producers finding, writing, and recording songs.
The recently released single "Red Light" was not originally on the album, according to Nail.
"This song was brought to me after the album was completed," Nail said. "As an artist any time you make a record, you have to force yourself to close the door on that chapter, and say its okay to leave it as it is."
Nail continued by adding that he was not a big fan about returning to the studio and adding the track to the album.
Following the release of the single "Red Light" it has become the most successful song of Nail's career to date.
"I have been on the road for the last three months promoting it," Nail said. "The most enjoyable thing is to see people on the road singing the song back to me."
Nail's album includes many notable names such as Miranda Lambert who lends vocals to the song "Strangers On A Train," along with Rascal Flatts' Gary LeVox, and Kenny Chesney, who lend songwriting skills to tracks, including a song originally planned for Ray Charles, which is used as the first song on the record.
Nail grew up with music. His father, Dennis, was the band director at Kennett High School. Nail said while growing up he was exposed to every kind of music.
"My dad had just about any type of music imaginable. When I was a kid I thought it was terrible," Nail said. "But once I got older I found myself looking for those types of music, and wanting to listen to them. I still go out now and buy the things my dad used to listen to when I was a kid."
Nail said his father has always been a big influence. Another influence on him is Viretta Sexton.
"She was my choir teacher in school. She was the one who encouraged me to follow my dream. She had confidence in me that not many have had. She was the one who encouraged me to go to Nashville. She's been like a second mother to me," Nail said.
He first became infatuated with country music during a talent show in high school when he heard Travis Tritt's "Anymore" being performed.
Recently, Nail has teamed with AOL to offer 10,000 free music downloads of the single "Red Light," along with an acoustic video performance of the song.
Nail has been labeled "One of Nashville's Hottest New Stars," by People Magazine, "One to Watch," by American Profile, and has been featured in Billboard, Country Weekly, and OK!.
Recently Nail had the honor of throwing the first pitch at a St. Louis Cardinals game in St. Louis, Mo., when his home state team was facing the Philadelphia Phillies.
Some of the information used in this story
has been previously reported in a 2002 Daily Dunklin Democrat article. To view this article visit www.dddnews.com/story/1034661.html.