November 9, 2008

Joshua Payne Daily Dunklin Democrat A local man has written a historical book about a very influential individual of the 18th century, Dr. David Caldwell. Born in 1936, in southeast Missouri, educated through Harding University at Searcy, Ark., Finis Caldwell is a Kennett resident. ...

Photo provided
Finis Caldwell, of Kennett, authored a patriotic book about a Dr. David Caldwell an 18th century man of North Carolina.
Photo provided Finis Caldwell, of Kennett, authored a patriotic book about a Dr. David Caldwell an 18th century man of North Carolina.

Joshua Payne

Daily Dunklin Democrat

A local man has written a historical book about a very influential individual of the 18th century, Dr. David Caldwell.

Born in 1936, in southeast Missouri, educated through Harding University at Searcy, Ark., Finis Caldwell is a Kennett resident. Married to his wife of over 50 years, Marilyn Lee Beal, Caldwell is the father of six children. Finis is "semi-retired" in Kennett and has ministered for several churches of Christ in Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Texas, and Tennessee. Mission work is another accomplishment of Finis in areas of Canada, New Zealand, and Albania. Finis has taken five trips to the Holy Land and has traveled to many nations surrounding the Mediterranean. Finis spent a whole summer taking part in archeological work while studying at the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem.

In terms of education, Finis has a Bachelor's Degree, the M.R.E. Degree, the M.A. Degree, and a M.Th Degree along with 50 hours already accumulated towards receiving a Doctoral Degree.

Finis Caldwell, Jr. states that he is for sure a nominal descendant of Dr. David Caldwell who lived in Greensboro North Carolina during the 18th century. Finis said that he is most likely a linear descendant due to information from his late aunt Marie Caldwell. His aunt informed him of this at least 45 years ago. His initial reaction at this young age was to ask, "Who is that?" She proceeded to inform him of the great influences that Dr. David Caldwell had on the history of North Carolina and the nation in general.

In the book that Finis authored, "Dr. David Caldwell an 18th Century Flame for Christ 1725 -- 1824 Preacher, Patriot, Educator, Physician," Finis tells the story of the 18th Century man over his near 100 years of life.

Dr. David Caldwell was born in 1725 in Lancaster County, according to Finis. The parents of David Caldwell were Andrew and Martha Caldwell a couple of swine farmers. Until the age of 25, Caldwell's father apprenticed him to be a carpenter. Turning 25, Caldwell determined that he was called to become a gospel preacher and made arrangements with his three younger brothers to obtain money for college. To receive the money, Caldwell gave away all rights to his parents inheritance money, said Finis.

Dr. David Caldwell attended the college of New Jersey, which later became Princeton, in 1761. At the age of 27, Princeton called Caldwell to teach in the classical language department. Caldwell taught the languages of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic, along with possibly teaching Sanskrit and Arcadian, according to Finis. The teaching lasted for about a year, and as payment for services, the university awarded Dr. Caldwell with a Master of Arts Degree.

In 1763, Dr. Caldwell moved to North Carolina with a Bachelor's Degree in Theology and a Master of Arts from Princeton. Finis says, "Rachael Craighead became Dr. Caldwell's one and only wife upon his move to North Carolina The father of Rachael Craighead was Alexander Craighead who was a revolutionary patriot. Alexander Craighead provided books for education and pleasure to the five women of the family."
