NewsMarch 15, 2025

Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag has opened in Kennett, offering a nostalgic yet modern entertainment space. With a $500,000 investment, it features a skating rink, laser tag, and arcade games.

Kennett's Dustin Brooks does the honors at Saturday's ribbon cutting ceremony at Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag. His business partner, Jennifer Blagg, looks on, along with guests, Kennett Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Christian Brooks, and chamber members.
Kennett's Dustin Brooks does the honors at Saturday's ribbon cutting ceremony at Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag. His business partner, Jennifer Blagg, looks on, along with guests, Kennett Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Christian Brooks, and chamber members.Photo by Steve Hankins, staff
Dustin Brooks and Jennifer Blagg on Level Up's Opening Day.
Dustin Brooks and Jennifer Blagg on Level Up's Opening Day.Photo by Steve Hankins, staff
Laser Tag gear at Level Up
Laser Tag gear at Level UpPhoto by Steve Hankins, staff
Level up equipment counter
Level up equipment counterPhoto by Steve Hankins, staff
Guests tour Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag Saturday at Kennett,
Guests tour Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag Saturday at Kennett,Photo by Steve Hankins, staff
story image illustation
story image illustation

The Kennett Chamber of Commerce welcomed Level Up Skating Rink and Laser Tag to its membership with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, March 15.

The facility is cavernous and comfortable. It features brand new designs, black-painted walls and high ceilings, several large video screens, a nice seating area with tables and wall-mounted flat screens.

Oh, and nostalgic DayGlo art, reminiscent of family fun times in 1970s basement rec rooms.

Patrons will find brand new skates, brand new laser tag equipment, brand new construction, and brand new entertainment possibilities for kids of all ages.

The 50' by 80' skating rink is an exciting addition to Kennett Bowling Lanes, which houses real-wood alleys, pool tables, concessions, the Chief's Club Restaurant and Lounge, and the Midway-themed Arcade.

Level Up is the result of a partnership between Kennett's Dustin Brooks, Jennifer Blagg, and Matt Gardner.

“I'm super excited that we were able to provide something for the community and the children that have nothing to do but get into trouble,” Blagg said on opening day of the Arcade. “I think this is going to provide something for the community for all the families and everybody craving some entertainment.”

The trio invested more than $500,000 to buy, not lease, all the games and attractions in the arcade, as well as purchasing all the laser tag gear and funding the rink's construction, Brooks said.

And he explained the rink is a much needed destination for those living at Kennett who are interested in rekindling the memories of skating rinks past and who hunger for something new for the future.

“It's something that we once had,” Brooks said of the rink. “Having a skating rink and losing it hurt.

“The community has been built around skating,” he added. “There's been two or three skating rinks here before. For the past 30 years or so, we haven't had one. We thought it was time to bring skating back to Kennett.”

Kennett Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Christian Johnson asked Blagg if she cared to have the honor of cutting the red ribbon and officially opening the rink.

"I don't think so," she whispered. "This has been Dustin's dream for 25 years, so he should cut the ribbon."

That he did.

And the expressions of satisfaction and joy were hard to hide.

Level Up is located at 1315 Saint Francis St., Kennett.

Admission is $12 per skater and buys a two-hour block of time on the rink, $6 each for non-skaters or chaperones.

For more information, log on to the facility's social media sites or call 573.888.9400.
