October 28, 2015

Missouri legislators spent the first part of this year debating the legalization of marijuana. Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal presented Senate Bill 650 that was based on Colorado's bill that tracks all aspects of marijuana production and taxes at the point of sale. ...

Missouri legislators spent the first part of this year debating the legalization of marijuana. Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal presented Senate Bill 650 that was based on Colorado's bill that tracks all aspects of marijuana production and taxes at the point of sale. The bill introduced to Missouri legislators included stipulations such as the rule that retail sale of the drug would be taxed at 12.9%, Missouri's Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control would oversee the industry, and that a person would be allowed to possess up to one ounce for personal use. There was one other bill that was introduced proposing a plan to regulate the drug for those over the age of 21 but at the close of the 2015 legislative session, none of the bills passed although polls are beginning to show that there are more and more Missourians in favor of legalizing the drug. As of now there are twenty states where marijuana has been legalized for medical use including the District of Columbia.

There are four states that have taken the next step and legalized the plant for not only medical use but recreational use also.

According to USA Today, Colorado opened its first retail stores on January 1, 2014. As of now, even though marijuana is still considered an illegal drug, the Justice Department is not pushing the issue as long as states do not sell pot to minors or traffic the drug to crime organizations.

The largest group that is lobbying for the legalization of the drug in Missouri is a Missouri Activist Group called Show-Me Cannabis. Their main interest is to create a medical marijuana program and lifting the ban on hemp production for farmers.

They are hosting several events to support their cause in and around the St. Louis area.

Some people have compared the prohibition of pot to the 1920's prohibition on alcohol and feel that similar to alcohol sales if marijuana is legalized, sales from it could be a very profitable and stable source of income for the state along with the fact that there are numerous medical conditions that could be treated with the drug which is far less addictive than opioids that are often used to treat conditions.

Colorado is expected to generate nearly $1 billion in marijuana sales by the end of this year, according to www.fool.com. Residents of the state are allowed to be in possession of 1 ounce of pot and out of state resident may purchase ¼ that amount.

Although it did not pass this year, the debate is far from over. Other states are looking to legalize the drug and Missouri legislators are expected to be taking a look at the issue once again next year.

According to Missouri State Representative Andrew McDaniel of Caruthersville, if anything is passed as early as next year's legislative session, it will be the legalization of cannabis oil for use in the treatment of children with seizures. "I am still on the fence about it because there are so many variables. It will open up a lot of different situations," McDaniel explained.
