A kitten found on Tuesday is recuperating at Kennett Veterinary Clinic.
The rescued kitten was discovered by DDD staff member Christina Folkes in the alley of the newspaper in terrible condition.
Dr. Everett Mobley and his staff began treatment on the kitten immediately.
“When he came in he was extremely dirty, bloody looking,” said Mobley. “He was so infested with fleas and was covered in his own partially digested blood the fleas had left on him, so he was basically red and brown instead of black and white.”
The kitten is in need of a great deal of care.
“We’ve gave him pain medicine and antibiotics, and de-worming medication,” continued Mobley. “He has eaten, which is great.”
The kitten is also in need of a foot amputation.
“He’s got a foot that’s not going to make it; it has bones exposed. He’s going to lose that foot,” explained Mobley.
“The problem is can we get him up to good enough shape for the amputation surgery.
“We’re going to try nursing care for a few days and see if we can’t get him to beef up a little bit before we put him through major surgery.”
If you are interested in donating funds for the care of the kitten contact Kennett Veterinary Clinic at 573-888-2255.
“Pain control, infection control, good groceries. Let’s see if we can’t boost him up a little bit,” said Mobley.