August 18, 2004

A delegation of property owners appeared before the Kennett City Council during a public hearing at its meeting Tuesday evening to voice their opposition to a proposed zoning change. At issue is a request by Keith Steward to rezone property he owns on Homecrest Drive from single family (R-1) to multi-family (R-2) use...

John Scherer speaks on behalf of a group of property owners in Westgate and on Homecrest Drive who are opposed to the rezoning a parcel of property on Homecrest to allow multi-family useage.
John Scherer speaks on behalf of a group of property owners in Westgate and on Homecrest Drive who are opposed to the rezoning a parcel of property on Homecrest to allow multi-family useage.

A delegation of property owners appeared before the Kennett City Council during a public hearing at its meeting Tuesday evening to voice their opposition to a proposed zoning change.

At issue is a request by Keith Steward to rezone property he owns on Homecrest Drive from single family (R-1) to multi-family (R-2) use.

Spokesman John Scherer, 1621 South Lincoln Circle, told the board, "We are asking you to decline to rezone this property. The reason we ask that is we feel at some point we have to draw a line if we're going to protect our neighborhood."

He added, "We really have no gripes about the individual who is asking to have this [rezoning] done. There is nothing personal. We ask you to maintain the integrity of our subdivision by keeping multi-family stuff where it is, across the street."

The board will act on the ordinance for the rezoning at its September 7 meeting.

Jan McElwrath, executive director of the Kennett Chamber of Commerce, informed the council that bids had been opened by the Kennett Development Commission for asbestos inspection and grant administration.

Shannon & Wilson bid $3,000 for asbestos inspection service of buildings to be razed for the proposed Sheryl Crow Community Aquatic Center and Mead Environmental bid $875 for the same work.

Blackmon Accounting bid $22,500 for administration of a grant the city received to raze the buildings, while the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission bid $10,000.

McElwrath said the bids had been referred to a committee which will make a selection and inform the state. The final determination will be made by the Department of Economic Development.

McElwrath also informed the council of a meeting Thursday, August 26, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Kennett Country Club with state officials on the Jobs Now and other programs that would benefit the city.

She also announced another meeting which would be held at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 26, at the Riggs Distribution Center. This meeting will be with property owners in the downtown area to begin development of a plan for renovation of the downtown.

John Gamble, representing the Kennett Park Board, told the council that "approximately six months ago the Independence Township Board had offered to donate to the park board its old maintenance facility at no cost."

He was there, Gamble said, to ask the council to accept that offer.

The council approved the transfer of the property to the city and park board.

Following a public hearing on the proposed city tax rates for 2004 approved a city tax levy of 79 cents per $100 assessed valuation. This is an increase of one-cent over the 2003 rate. The rate includes general revenue, 54 cents, up one-cent and 25 cents for parks, which includes 5 cents for parks, 10 cents for special park and 10 cents for special park levy No. 2. The park tax is unchanged.

In other business, the council:

* Confirmed the appointments by Mayor Parker of Freddie Graham to the Housing Authority; Daren Cunningham to the Airport Board; John Robertson, Metz Skelton and Randy Haman to the Planning Commission.

* Approved an ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign a segmented circle contract with the Missouri Department of Transportation for the airport project.

* Adopted an ordinance approving the Rogers Subdivision Plat.

* Approved an ordinance accepting the Bo Ryan Estates No. 1 Subdivision Plat.

* Received a recommendation from the Annexation Committee that the city not annex property across Highway 412 from Bazzel and Wilder John Deere dealership.

* Authorized the mayor to sign a contract with Kennett National Bank accepting its interest bid for a loan covering the new industrial park.

* Authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with Bank of America regarding a safe keeping agent on a city account.

The next regular meeting of the Kennett City Council will be 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 7. The meeting will be held in the council's chambers in the city administration building, 200 Cedar Street. It is open to the public.
