Cape Girardeau, MO -- The American Red Cross Southeast Missouri Chapter is partnering with the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut to educate the area about earthquake safety. Many businesses and organizations in Southeast Missouri will be participating in the Great ShakeOut on April 28, 2011.
The first Great Central U.S. ShakeOut will be on April 28 at 10:15 a.m. and will include eight states making it the largest earthquake drill conducted in the Central United States. There are 2.2 million participants registered. The event will celebrate the bicentennial of the 1811-1812 earthquakes that occurred near New Madrid, Mo. The purpose of the drill is to educate the public about how to prepare, protect, and recover from an earthquake.
The American Red Cross Southeast Missouri Chapter is working with the Great ShakeOut to ensure everyone is ready when an earthquake strikes. The Red Cross has been providing disaster relief and helping the community prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies in the Southeast area for 93 years.
The Red Cross encourages everyone to register for the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut to learn about their earthquake risk and how to prepare and respond when an earthquake strikes. Learn how to be prepared today with the following recommendations:
Get or assemble an emergency preparedness kit:
A portable kit, stored in a sturdy, easy to carry, water resistant container should have enough supplies for three days. Check your kit and replace perishable stock every six months. Whether you purchase a kit or choose to build your own, your three-day kit should include:
* First aid kit and essential medications.
* Canned food and can opener.
* At least three gallons of water per person.
* Protective clothing, rainwear, and bedding or sleeping bags.
* Battery-powered radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.
* Special items for infant, elderly, or disabled family members.
* Written instructions for how to turn off gas, electricity, and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you'll need a professional to turn natural gas service back on.)
* Keeping essentials, such as a flashlight and sturdy shoes, by your bedside.
Prepare a home earthquake plan:
The American Red Cross urges each and every household to develop a household disaster plan.
* Choose a safe place in every room--under a sturdy table or desk or against an inside wall where nothing can fall on you.
* Practice drop, cover and hold on at least twice a year. Drop under a sturdy desk or table, hold on, and protect your eyes by pressing your face against your arm. If there's no table or desk nearby, sit on the floor against an interior wall away from windows, bookcases, or tall furniture that could fall on you. Teach children to drop, cover, and hold on!
* Choose an out-of-town family contact.
* Consult a professional to find out additional ways you can protect your home, such as bolting the house to its foundation and other structural mitigation techniques.
* Take a first aid class from your local Red Cross chapter. Keep your training current.
* Get training in how to use a fire extinguisher from your local fire department.
* Inform babysitters and caregivers of your plan.
Be informed
* Find out how local authorities will contact you during a disaster. Listen to local media broadcasts or NOAA Weather Radio for the latest storm conditions and follow the advice of local authorities.
* Contact your Southeast Missouri Chapter for details about community disaster education presentations that may be arranged or are available in your workplace, school or community organization.
* Get trained in CPR and first aid so you will know how to respond to emergencies in the event that help is delayed.
To learn more about the Red Cross or the Great ShakeOut, please visit