opinionJanuary 4, 2025

Randy Zinn

One of the first passages of Scripture I recall being taught concerning winning souls to Christ is found in Psalm 126:5-6, "They that sow in tears (are deeply burdened) shall reap in joy. He (the soulwinner) that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed (the Word of God), shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves (new converts) with him (the powerful promise)."

In a previous column, we addressed the need of the hour for God's people to have a continual and pressing burden for souls in 2025. Such a burden will cause us to constantly be aware of the spiritual need of the souls of mankind. We have heard it said, "Where death takes us, eternity will keep us." What a sobering thought and reality that is, but Jesus came "to seek and to save that which was lost," (Luke 19:10).

Sometimes we find that the starting place is asking God to give us a burden for souls which we need if we would seek to win others to the Savior and His glorious salvation. My grandmother, Stella Zinn, had a constant burden for lost souls and wherever she went she would talk to anyone she met about her Lord. She passed away in 1983, but people in her church still speak about her witnessing.

No matter how many times we have witnessed to lost people, it seems we all experience a feeling of inadequacy when we are given the opportunity to share God's plan of salvation. That is a good thing for we are inadequate in and of ourselves as it is God's Holy Spirit Who gives us the power to witness and He will when we ask.

There is only one plan of salvation, but there are many methods of presenting it to someone. Although I have used what is called the Romans' Road many times, a few years ago I read a very simple way for anyone to share the Gospel. 1--Just tell someone what your life was like before you came to know the Lord. Maybe you just wondered from time to time what life was all about or what would happen if you should die. 2--Share how you came to understand your need of salvation and accepted Christ. Possibly, a friend personally presented the Gospel to you, someone from a local church visited your home or you heard a preacher give the plan of salvation and share what they told you. 3--Lastly, tell how accepting Jesus changed your life giving you a peace about eternity and meaning for life here and now.

Again, the starting place is a genuine concern for we will not be very effective in this area of our Christian life without it. A few years ago, I shared a story of my great uncle, John Lee, a preacher from Mountain View, AR,

who became very concerned about those who did not know Christ in Stone County. It was in the early 1980's and the church where I came to know the Lord, Fifty-Six Baptist, was preparing for a week of revival. Uncle John began to pray for God to do a mighty work during those services. As the time of the meeting was approaching, he became more and more burdened. He slept and ate very little during those days and people around him became very concerned for his physical wellbeing. When the revival ended over 50 people had accepted Christ as Savior during those meetings in a town of about 150 population. (Praise the Lord!) Uncle John was happy in the Lord and healthy when the revival came to a close.

Leon H. Ellis wrote the song, "Souls are crying; men are dying. Won't you lead them to the cross. Go and find them; help to win them. Win the lost at any cost." May these words continue to speak to our hearts in the New Year. God bless each of you.

Randy Zinn is pastor of Russell Missionary Baptist Church, Russell, AR.
