March 16, 2015

Grain sorghum or milo is an international crop. Worldwide, sorghum is a food grain for humans. In the United States, sorghum is used primarily as a feed grain for livestock. Feed value of grain sorghum is similar to corn. The grain has more protein and fat than corn, but is lower in vitamin A. ...

Grain sorghum or milo is an international crop. Worldwide, sorghum is a food grain for humans. In the United States, sorghum is used primarily as a feed grain for livestock. Feed value of grain sorghum is similar to corn. The grain has more protein and fat than corn, but is lower in vitamin A. When compared with corn on a per pound basis, grain sorghum feeding value ranges from 90% to nearly equal to corn. The grain is highly palatable to livestock, and intake seldom limits livestock productivity. However, some sorghum varieties and hybrids which were developed to deter birds are less palatable due to tannins and phenolic compounds in the seed. The grain should be cracked or rolled before feeding to cattle; this improves the portion digested.

When I arrived in Dunklin County in 1990, grain sorghum had far more acreage than it does today. Back in the grain sorghum good old days, Missouri acreage reached 1.4 million acres. Sorghum acreage is sporadic. During the last 20 years, acreage has been decreasing. Yields per acre, on the other hand, have been steadily increasing about 1 bushel per year. Sorghum production is also decreasing and currently has a 5-year average value of $23 million.

While our acreage had declined, Missouri is still ranked in the Top Ten of U.S. production. The top sorghum producing states are Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Mississippi, Colorado, and Missouri.

When I looked at the Missouri Sorghum Facts, I discovered that in 2013, Southeast Missouri had four of the top ten production counties in Missouri. Dunklin County was number one, New Madrid, Pemiscot, and Cape Girardeau Counties were ranked, 3, 4, and 9, respectively.

While I was involved in research at the Macon Ridge Research Station in Winnsboro, Louisiana, I conducted grain sorghum variety trials. Several of the varieties that I tested during this tenure were from Capehart Seed Service in Holland, Missouri. This breeding program has since closed, but those varieties did very well in my trials and in the Mid-South.

Last week, I received an email from our Cape Girardeau extension agronomist, Anthony Ohmes that contained an attachment entitled, "Grain Sorghum (Milo) Management Quick Reference." I thought that this had some very useful information and I will include some of it in this article.

The recommended planting date is from April 20th through May 15th. Soil temperature should be 65 degrees to insure good germination and uniform emergence. Planting after June 4th results in a 20 percent decrease in yield potential.

The recommended planting rate is60, 000 pure live seed (PLS) per acre non-irrigated and; 80,000 PLS/A irrigated. Actual seeding rate will depend on germination percentage and planting conditions, methods, and if planting past ideal dates. MO research shows that milo seed head will compensate for uniform thin stand of 35,000 on irrigated ground when Nitrogen rates were above 100 lbs/A.

Soil fertility should be based on a soil test. . For Nitrogen, the applications should be split. Nitrogen splits that are ideal are 33% to 50% preplant or at planting; 50% to 67% sidedress at V5 . This stage is five leaves. Nitrogen recommendation rates will vary with soil type and irrigation. Yield goal dryland: 80 to 120 bu/A; irrigated: 120 to 160 bu/A. Arkansas dryland research indicates that greater than 95% yield potential was achieved at rate of 120 lbs Nitrogen/A. Phosphorus (P) is removed at a rate of 0.4 lb P2O5/bushel. Potassium (K) is removed a rate of 0.25 lb K2O/bushel. The phosphorus and potassium are applied preplan. Some of the phosphorus and nitrogen can be applied at planted in a starter fertilizer.

Peak water usage is from the boot stage to bloom and .35 inches of water are needed during this time.

Pest management decisions for weeds, insects, and disease can be found in the M171, 2015 Missouri Pest Management Guide: Corn, Grain Sorghum, Soybean, Winter Wheat, Rice, Cotton.

It should be noted that there has been a new pest of grain sorghum that has been a problem in the lower Mid-South. This pest is the white sugarcane aphid. The aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) was found in Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Arkansas during the 2014 growing season. The aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) has been found this past season in Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Arkansas. Transform insecticide received section 18 approval for 2014. If approved for 2015 it should not be mixed with pyrethroids.

Dessicants such as sodium chlorate can be applied after physiological maturity when moisture reaches 25 percent and a minimum of 7 days prior to harvest. While dessicants are generally recommended, it is often not necessary due to natural drying conditions.

Many producers who grew cotton last year and are switching to other crops due to the low prices are switching to soybeans and corn. However, there is an opportunity for producers who want to grow grain sorghum.

The University of Missouri Extension office is open Monday-Friday located in Kennett, Missouri at 233 North Main Street. Contact 573-888-4722 with questions or comments. MU is an equal opportunity/ADA institution.
