October is National Chiropractic Health Month and this year’s theme is “Active and Adaptive”.
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions many people are moving less, and some are experiencing pain as a result.
Dr. Chancellor Wayne recently reflected on the benefits of chiropractic treatments and his introduction to his career path.
“I’d gone to EMT school and worked here in Kennett and in St. Louis,” Wayne said. “I was going through paramedic school and the Gulf War broke out. Our instructor was a physician’s assistant at the airbase and we no longer had an instructor.”
Wayne found himself at a career crossroads.
“You ask, God where are you pointing me?” shared Wayne. “I liked the idea of healthcare without medication.”
Wayne continued, “A few days later in my mailbox was all the paperwork and books from Logan Chiropractic College in Chesterfield, Missouri.”
That was the beginning of a two decades long career in chiropractic medicine.
Wayne shared on the benefits of seeing a chiropractor.
“One of the biggest things, and what most people in town use me for, is pain management,” he said. “Their lower back hurts, their neck hurts, things like that.”
Wayne stated, “Pain management has always been a huge aspect of the chiropractic profession. What a lot of people don’t realize about the benefits of chiropractic treatment is how it affects all the other systems.”
“I’ve had patients that have high blood pressure and getting adjustments has helped lower their blood pressure,” Wayne informed. “In my office I’ve seen patients on insulin that came in for a disc bulge, or an injury of some sort, and not treatment for diabetes.”
Wayne continued, “A few weeks into their treatment, they’re asking how it affects their blood sugar because it’s staying lower. They’re eating the same and they’re taking the same medications. Adjusting the lower thoracic area, upper lumbar area, those nerves go out to the pancreas, so when they take their sugar it’s better.”
However, Wayne said it’s not a quick fix.
“It’s not one adjustment and done,” he informed. “It took you a long time to get in this shape, it takes awhile to get out of it.”
Wayne shared the problem doesn’t have to be pain.
“It can be some part of your body is malfunctioning,” provided Wayne. “Your gallbladder may not be producing enough bile or your pancreas is not producing enough insulin. All those different functions, if they’re not being told what to do, and when to do it, there’s a disconnect in there somewhere.”
“Using chiropractic along with your traditional medicine is a great way to be healthy,” said Wayne. “I get adjusted every two weeks.”
Chiropractic treatment also assists in the reduction of opioid use.
“There’s a drug rehab facility in St. Louis, that published a letter sharing their research reflected patients that used the free chiropractic services on-site, were 80 percent less likely to relapse, because they weren’t in pain, than the ones who did not use the free chiropractic service offered,” Wayne informed.
Wayne continued, “Pain meds make you feel better. An adjustment is looking for the specific problem and trying to make it better.”
Wayne shared, it’s all about the spine.
“Every nerve in the body comes from the spine,” stated Wayne. “I am a full spine adjustor. Your pain may be big toe pain, I’m going to adjust your lower lumbar area, because the nerve that comes from your big toe originates from the lower lumbar spine area.”
Wayne added a chiropractic treatment is a good overall wellness check,
“God made your body to heal itself,” he said. “We just do different things to screw it up.”