Concessionaire of the Year

Monday, September 23, 2024
Freedom House in Holcomb has been named the 2024 Delta Fair Concessionaire of the Year. Pictured are from left, Melissa Gaydos and Dennis Russel
Photo by Jeff Dorris, staff

The Freedom House food booth has been named as the Concessionaire of the Year for the 2024 Delta Fair.

Dennis Russell and Melissa Gaydos of Freedom House shared on the event.

“This will be our third year,” said Essex native Russell. “A few years before we were interested in getting in the fair, but you can’t get in unless somebody gets out.”

“We had our name on the list and they happened to call us,” he added.

Russell continued, “It’s been great. We haven’t found our niche quite yet. We’re still trying to figure it out, but we’re having a good time.”

West Palm Beach, Florida native Gaydos agreed, “It’s a lot of fun. This year we’re selling Donut Grillers.”

“They’re a donut grilled cheese with bacon on it,” she informed. “We’re also offering fresh fruit slushies.”

Freedom House Mission Bible Training Center, a branch of Mission Teens, is a non-profit, non-denominational organization with a Christ-centered, discipleship program for people who are 18 years or older, who suffer from drug, alcohol, or emotional problems.

They are located in Holcomb.

“This ministry is all about helping people find a new life in Jesus and get off drugs and alcohol,” said Russell. “That’s how we got here. We were both people crazy on drugs for 20 years.”

“I came here and met the Lord, and this place has changed my life,” he added. “The last seven years I’ve been trying to give back.”

Russell informed, “Every dollar made at our food booth is going to help an addict. We’re raising the money to rehab a building, so we can house 14 more people.”

Gaydos stated, “Being here has been awesome. I came in 2019. I just love the ministry and serving here.

“There’s such a need,” said Russell. “There’s so many people that are just caught up in drugs, it’s like an epidemic.”

Russell shared, “Everything we do here is to make this place feel like home. We want people to be comfortable and change their life.”

Gaydos agreed stating, “This booth will help our expansion and help us house more women and men. This is a free program run from donations and fundraisers.”

As far as being named the Delta Fair Concessionaires of the Year, Russel said, “That’s pretty cool. We’re thankful.”

“We have a lot of fun at the fair, and a lot of fellowship,” he stated. “We meet so many people.”

Russell concluded, “It’s a fun experience for a really good cause.”

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