Difference Makers event set for Oct. 24 at Opera House

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Delta Dunklin Democrat is proud to debut the Difference Makers event honoring five area residents who go above and beyond to help our communities.

Our readers have been voting over the last few weeks and these are your 2024 Difference Makers, Kylee Rawlings, Hollie Davis, Jason and Sara Rhew, Mon T Grays, and Tony Byrd.

Kylee Rawlings is a kindergarten teacher at Malden Elementary who cares about children above and beyond what is required.

In her nomination letter it was shared she transforms kids into responsible, caring, active members of the community. Rawlings is always in attendance at games and concerts to support kids and makes them believe they are capable of more.

Hollie Davis is constantly serving her community in one way or another. It was provided she uses her many connections to bring people together to fill needs and accomplish goals.

Her nominating letter stated stated you will always find her supporting and promoting events, activities, businesses, and outreach from all over the area, and always has a big smile on her face.

Jason and Sarah Rhew are an amazing couple that serves in every possible area you can imagine. It was provided everything they do is about giving back to the community and improving the world around them for everyone's betterment.

Their nominating letter said they are some of the few who still care, and who are there for anyone no matter what the circumstances.

Mon T Grays is a veteran who has served as a volunteer for many community organizations including the Take a Kid Fishing event and the Community Garden.

Grays is trusted throughout the community and known to be faithful in his work. His home is a safe haven to area kids and in his free time, he fixes old lawnmowers to bess people with.

His nominating letter shared he is one of the most generous people around and has been a blessing to this county for 50 years.

Tony Byrd is a veteran who is involved with the Dunklin County Genealogy Society and volunteers at the Dunklin County Library assisting individuals with their search for family ancestors and to answer other questions about Kennett and Dunklin County history.

In his nomination letter it was stated, Byrd has never failed to help in whatever was needed. The time he gives to the library as a volunteer is priceless.

Byrd is a tireless researcher and will spend whatever time is necessary to answer their questions.

All of these unique individuals will be honored at the Difference Makers banquet on Thursday, Oct. 24 at the Kennett Opera House.

Tickets for the event are $10 each and include dinner. They can be purchased by texting 870-278-2109.

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

A silent auction and cupcake prize raffle will also be featured.

The DDD will also name a Difference Maker of the Year that evening and present a check with a donation to this year's chosen charity, Helping Hand, a food pantry and thrift store located in Kennett that benefits all of Dunklin County.

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