NewsSeptember 28, 2011

Deanna Coronado
Staff photo by Deanna Coronado
Dunklin County Sheriff Bob Holder, with assistance from staff at the Dunklin County Justice Center, leads inmates of the county jail through the Delta Fair Parade route on Wednesday morning, offering a bit of community service by having the them clean-up trash and other debris left in parking lots and on sidewalks following last night's event. The effort is an annual one encouraged by Holder on behalf of the Sheriff's Department each year.
Staff photo by Deanna Coronado Dunklin County Sheriff Bob Holder, with assistance from staff at the Dunklin County Justice Center, leads inmates of the county jail through the Delta Fair Parade route on Wednesday morning, offering a bit of community service by having the them clean-up trash and other debris left in parking lots and on sidewalks following last night's event. The effort is an annual one encouraged by Holder on behalf of the Sheriff's Department each year.Deanna Coronado
