May 27, 2011

At Thursday evening's graduation ceremony, the Kennett High School class of 2011 was presented a challenge by one of its class speakers. Alexandra Brown dared her classmates to "go out and do something remarkable, find our potential and make the world a little bit better place."...

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Kennett High School graduates 109

At Thursday evening's graduation ceremony, the Kennett High School class of 2011 was presented a challenge by one of its class speakers. Alexandra Brown dared her classmates to "go out and do something remarkable, find our potential and make the world a little bit better place."

After hearing those words, 109 KHS students made their way to the stage to receive their diplomas and to say good-bye to, according to another class speaker, "the greatest classmates that anyone could have asked for."

KHS Class of 2011 Salutatorian, Alex Bohnert, left, and Valedictorian, Alexandra Brown, right, pose for a photo following the graduation ceremony. See additional pictures on Page 18.  ( Staff photos by Lecia Forester)
KHS Class of 2011 Salutatorian, Alex Bohnert, left, and Valedictorian, Alexandra Brown, right, pose for a photo following the graduation ceremony. See additional pictures on Page 18. ( Staff photos by Lecia Forester)

The 2011 graduating class consisted of Veronica Lasheay Amos, Christopher Andrew Arnett, Laura Dianna Barton, Cinna Lynnshae Battles-Shipman, Bradley Christopher Blecha, Alex Martin Bohnert, Kilwana Denine Boyds, Ariel Damika Braxton, Brian Jeffrey Bridges, Alexandra Ann Brown, Austin Cole Bruce, Brianna Denise Burcham, McKenzi Shae Burgess, Jessica Donyle Callaway, Randrick DeShawn Caruthers, Victoria Lynn Choat, Steven Michael Clark, Chelsey Nicole Cobb, Christopher Wayne Cobb, Stephen Rawlings Craig, Ryan Douglas Criswell, Michael David Cumpton, Abbigail Dancy Daniels, Monica Lakay Davis, Heather Nicole Dawson, Emmett Dale Dunn, Kenneth Wade Dye, Nicholas Edward Finney, Kellie Shawnee Fortner, Kaitlynn Christine Frederick, Frederick Arnett Garmon, Jr., Charles gage, Travis Dillon Gentry, Shelby Donnielle Godsey, AshLee Michelle Gore, Wesley David Gossett, Devin Deshaun Guyton, Stephanie Nicole Hamlett, Justin Tremaine Harper, Chelsea Renee Hersey, Ashley Nicole Highfill, Robert Glen Hindmon, William Everett Hinton, Jerry Lee Hodges, Jr., Johnny Lee Hodges, Khadree Kenyon Hollywood, Nicole Lee Huskey, Kara Rae Janson, Jamie Nicole Jarrett, Courtney Jayne Johnson, Danzell Lamar Johnson, Bryar Lee Jones, Kevin Scott Jones, Jr., Larry Junior Jones Jr., Andrew Bennett Lack, Stephanie Denise Lance, Billy Joe Weston Luttrull, Justin David Lynn, Brent Wayne Martin, Madison Alexandra McClusky, Jermain Lee McGraw, Anna Marie McMahan, Charles Lee Myles II, Seth Jerred Neel, Andrew Scott Nixon, Ashlee Brianne Overbey, Andrea Jeannea Perkins, Kamani De'lon Pulliam, Uniqua Miontae Range, Ryan Aaron Richardson, Carrianna Lynn Samples, Tyler Wade Samples, Cade Allen Sawyer, Damon Schonasky, Ethan Matthew Seats, Jerrod JW Shavers, Caroline Anne Shetley, Dillon Christian Simms, David Earl Simpson, Corey Gene Skaggs, Jordan Lender Smith, Tyler Dwayne Smith, Kayla Cheyenne Sowell, Anna Lynn Stillman, Aaron Michael Thorpe, Samuel Thomas Turner, Eric Paul VanDeventer, Edson, Julian Villela, Jordan LeeAnn Wagster, Marquis Devonte Walker, Cameron Blake Wallace, Patrick Vernard Wallace, Jr., Jack Lan Walls, Jr., Chakresha LaShay Watkins, Travon Dewayne Weeden, Jerica Lynn Wheeler, Dominick Tyrell Whitaker, Nakrischia Shanea White, Persephone Bianca White, Kenneth Edward Whitehead, Brooke Danielle Wiley, Diamond Rochelle Williams, Jamesha Kená Williams, Rakeem Ashaad Williams, Marcia Renee Winston, and Carson Byme Wood.

The graduation ceremony began as students made their way onto the football field of Metz Cherry Stadium to the grand march from "Aida" by Giuseppe Verdi.

Before diplomas were handed out the invocation was given by Cameron Wallace, a member of the 2011 graduating class.

Superintendent Chris Wilson then introduced the senior class speakers: Brown, Cumpton, Lynn, and Wheeler

First to speak was Brown, daughter of Charlie and Mindy Brown. During her tenure at KHS, she served as President of the Student Council as well as the National Honor Society, Vice-president of the Future Business Leaders of America, and the Vice-president of the Key Club, a member of K Club, Spanish Club, the Tribe, and is the President of the 2011 Senior class. Sports that Brown participated in during her time at a KHS included, Varsity Tennis team, Varsity Girls Basketball team, and the Varsity Cheerleading Squad.

She plans on attending Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., and major in Marine Biology. She also plans on playing on the Women's Tennis Team at the university.

Brown's favorite memory of high school was making it to the final four with the Lady Indians Basketball team.

Brown began her speech first challenging members of the senior class to "look ahead to the possibilities which lie ahead, in our personal lives, our future careers and our dreams." She went on to quote Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, by saying, "The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential. When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself, but the world," adding, "This commencement exercise marks the beginning of the next phase of our lives. Now we will strive to find what we do best, do all that we can to develop that talent, and positively impact the world around us."

Brown went on to tell students on how to develop the potential that lies within. "Hard work certainly plays an important part. As Vince Lombardi, legendary football coach once said, 'The dictionary is the only place where success comes before hard work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you are willing to pay the price.'

"If all of us will approach life with this attitude and strive to improve ourselves, we can make our world better for us and future generations, later saying, 'The true measure of success is not how many times you get knocked down, but how fast you get back up again.' Why not push ourselves to be all that you can be? One of the greatest American presidents, Abraham Lincoln said it best, 'Whatever, you are, be a good one.'"

The next senior to speak was Cumpton, son of David and Laura Cumpton. While at KHS, Cumpton has been active in many clubs, including the K and Key Clubs, Student Council, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, Future Business Leaders of America and the Tribe and a member of the Varsity Quizz Bowl.

After graduation, Cumpton plans on attending Missouri State University. His favorite memory of high school was playing the lead of "Danny" in the musical production of "Grease."

In his speech, Cumpton recalled freshman year and how fast the high school experience "flew by." He told students, "Looking back now I realize that this is the bitter sweet point where I go off to leave my 2011 for a college that will look at my transcripts and tell me that I had 25 teachers but when they ask me I'll tell them that I had 109 teachers. My class, which has taught me more than any book could ever do. But I think that's the best thing about high school, you're so concentrated on the lessons in class that you don't realize everything you gain from everybody else. So as a piece of advice to my class, don't stress about the goal ahead. Enjoy the ride because that's the best part."

In conclusion, Cumpton said, "My time here is done, and the speech we presented tonight will fade into distant memory and before you know it, 10 years from now when you are trying to squeeze back into those Hollister and Buckle jeans for the reunion, you'll think back and say, "If only I could go back." I can't promise you the future, and we can't change the past, so I'm saying to you now. It is our time to make the difference, this is the moment you'll want back but it comes once so take it and make it yours, and I know you will because after al, we do what we want."

The third speaker of the evening was Lynn, son of David and Julie Lynn. Activities that Lynn were involved in was the Kennett High School Golf team all four years of high school, becoming captain his senior year. He is a member of Key Club where he served as president, Student Council where he served as Vice-president, National Honor Society where he served as treasurer, Future Business Leaders of America, Tatler serving as the editor, the KHS yearbook where he served as editor, Key Club, serving as vice-president and the tribe leader.

Other accomplishments include being selected as Mr. KHS, Wendy's High School Heisman scholarship school representative and was a representative to Missouri's Boy State, winning the competition and competing at the top level. He is a member of the First United Methodist Church and participates in Youth United for Christ. He will attend Auburn University in Auburn, Ala., majoring in Computer Engineering.

"I can remember arriving for my first day of freshman year like it was yesterday," Lynn said. "Everyone was very excited, but also nervous as we weren't sure what to expect. Over time, we became more accustomed to the lifestyle of high school. Our first exciting time came as we built our first float, 'BBQ and the Bearcats.' We won first place, although the yearbook demoted it to third."

Lynn's other memories included turning 16 and getting his drivers license as well as the infamous ice storm that left everyone without power for more than three weeks.

Lynn recounts how August 19, 2010, was the seniors last "first-day at Kennett High School."

"It was everything that we anticipated it would be: fun, exciting, and spent with our amazing classmates," Lynn said. "The moment was bittersweet however, as we began the countdown towards our final days as a student at Kennett High School."

He then recounted how the year started off with the tennis team winning the district championship for the second time in two years, including a first place finish by Alexandra Brown and a runner up finish by Brianna Burcham. Another cherished memory was of Cameron Wallace receiving second team All State Honors in football as wide receiver and all the hype about the girls and boys basketball teams with the Lady Indians advancing into the state quarterfinals.

"The girls finished in fourth place, the best season of any team before them," he said, adding, "Finally, I have had the privilege to serve as the key club president and the student council vice-president over the course of the year. It has given me an opportunity to sit back and take a glimpse at all of the great things that are happening at this school. Among the things that occurred this year include this year include pen pal letters to second and third grade students, a toy drive for handicapped students, not to mention a blood drive that raised over 70 pints of blood."

In closing, Lynn said, "This past year has been, by far, the best year of my life. Graduation is only a concept. In real life, every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you will truly make a difference. Thank you and God Bless."

The last speaker introduced was Wheeler, daughter of David and Valerie Wheeler. She has been a member of the Varsity Lady Indians Basketball Teams, K Club, Alpha Omega, Student Council, Art Club and National Honor Society. After graduation, Wheeler plans on attending Mineral Area Community College where she will be a member of the women's basketball team. She plans on majoring in business management or pre-law. After college, Wheeler plans on entering the music industry and starting her own record label.

As for her plans for the future, she wants to, "leave the world a better place than I found it." In her speech, Wheeler looked at her classmates and said, "It is amazing to see how we have not only aged but also matured together. We have gone through many stages together, like the cute stage, the big head and small body stage, the "funny-looking" stage, awkward and emotional stage, and now the final stage we all will partake as a group, the adult transition stage. Wheeler then went on and told her fellow graduates to "pursue your dreams with an unquenchable fervor. Make your dreams happen. Whatever you do in life, don't just do it for you. Leave the world a better place than you found it. Donate money, donate time, and you could even donate a prayer. Forrest Gump said it best, 'There is only so much money a man needs, the rest is just for showing off.'"

Wheeler also told classmates to love everyone and understand that every individual is unique and there hasn't been and never will be anyone like them to walk the earth. She advised against judging anyone but instead, "love and accept and embrace them as they are then wherever you go you will make a difference."

After presentation of diplomas and the words from the speakers, awards and scholarships were then given out, including:

* Presentation of the valedictorian, Alexandra Brown, salutatorian, Alex Bohnert, and best all-around students, Alexandra Brown and Justin Lynn, presented by Randi Allgood, president of the Chamber of Commerce;

* The Bish Rainey Memorial Scholarship, presented by Nicole Neville, to Kara Janson, alternate: Travos Gentry;

* The James Singleton Scholarship presented by Sol Astrachan to Jamie Jarrett, alternate: Travis Gentry;

* The John M. Dalton Educational Trust Fund presented by Johnny Dalton: Dominick Whitaker;

* John W. and Lorene Trovillion Education Scholarship presented by Bob Holder: Alexandra Brown, Justin Lynn, Alex Bohnert, first alternate: Travis Gentry and second alternate: Brooke Wiley;

* Kennett A+ Schools Grant presented by Julie Dunn, A+ Schools coordinator, to Alex Bohnert, Austin Bruce, McKenzi Burgess, Ryan Criswell, Heather Dawson, Stephanie Hamlett, Nicole Huskey, Justin Lynn, Anna McMahan, Seth Neel, Ashlee Overbey, Uniqua Range, Damon Schonasky, Caroline Shetley, Cheyenne Sowell, Anna Stillman, Jordan Wagster, and Carson Wood;

* Kennett Kiwanis/Key Club Dr. George Q. Dunmire Education Scholarship presented by John Spielman, past president of the Kiwanis Club: Cameron Wallace, alternate: Anna McMahan;

* First National Bank of Kennett Honor Society Scholarship presented by Jeff Lack, president: Caroline Shetley, alternate: Brooke Wiley;

* Kennett Lion's Club Dr. Paul Baldwin Educational Scholarship presented by John Gamble, president: Anna Stillman, alternate: Stephanie Hamlett;

* Kennett National Bank Scholarship presented by Johnny Dalton, board of directors: Travis Gentry;

* Kennett Rotary Club Jody Mills Memorial Scholarship presented by Jonathan Mays, president: Stephanie Hamlett, Michael Cumpton, first alternate: Brooke Wiley, and second alternate: Anna McMahan;

* The LaFemme Club Citizenship Award presented by Katie Pritchett, member-at-large: Nicole Huskey, alternate: Seth Neel;

* Permanent Membership in National Honor Society presented by Justin Smith: Alex Bohnert, Brian Bridges, Alexandra Brown, Brianna Burcham, Ryan Criswell, Michael Cumpton, Abbigail Daniels, Travis Gentry, Stephanie Hamlett, Nicole Huskey, Kara Janson, Jamie Jarrett, Andy Lack, Justin Lynn, Anna McMahan, Carrianna Samples, Caroline Shetley, Anna Stillman, Thomas Stillman, Cameron Wallace, Jerica Wheeler, Dominick Whitaker, Marcia Winston, and Brooke Wiley;

* Recognition Scholarship presented by Chris Wilson, superintendent of schools: Andy Lack;

* Senath State Bank Mid-County Branch Scholarship presented by Diane Risner, vice-president: Seth Neel: alternate: Carson Wood;

* Kennett Community Teachers Association Award presented by Tina Brown, president: Brian Bridges: alternate: Andy Lack;

* Tungsiripat Scholarship presented by Ed Siebenhuener, principal of KHS: Alexandra Brown;

* Twin Rivers Regional Medical Center Medical Scholarship presented by Barbara Harned, chief nursing officer: Jamie Jarrett and Travis Gentry;

* Garrett Short Memorial Athletic Scholarship presented by Kim Lowry, committee member and Short's parents, Jack William and Kimberly Jo Peterson Short: Abbigail Daniels, AshLee Gore, Jerica Wheeler, Austin Bruce, Emmett Dunn, Fred Garmon: alternates: Brianna Burcham, Justin Lynn, Alex Bohnert, Carson Wood, Thomas Stilllman, Andy Lack, Anna Stillman, Cameron Wallace, Anna McMahan, Caroline Shetley, Travis Gentry, and Ryan Richardson.

* The Rachel Dye Memorial Scholarship presented by Mike Baker: Caroline Shetley, Edson Villela, Cheyenne Sowell, Travis Gentry, Kara Janson, Michael Cumpton and Alexandra Brown.

The closing benediction was given by Alex Bohnert, member of the senior class.
