November 23, 2011

Turkey Dinner with Oyster Dressing was last week ideas. Now finish this fine Cajun Thanksgiving Dinner with Giblet Mushroom Gravy, Sweet Potatoes and Cranberry Relish. These three dishes are simple but the Cajuns give it a different twist with their added ingredients...

Larry Eiker

Turkey Dinner with Oyster Dressing was last week ideas. Now finish this fine Cajun Thanksgiving Dinner with Giblet Mushroom Gravy, Sweet Potatoes and Cranberry Relish. These three dishes are simple but the Cajuns give it a different twist with their added ingredients.

The Giblet Mushroom Gravy has the following items:

2 quarts strong Chicken Stock

5 tablespoon unsalted butter

1/3 cup all purpose flour

1 cup chopped onions

1 cup chopped green bell pepper

2 ½ cups sliced fresh mushrooms

1/3 cup Burgundy

To make the gravy: Cook neck and giblets in stock for 2 to 3 hours, or until they are very tender and the stock is reduced to about 5 cups. Chop giblets and tender meat from the neck and set aside separately from the stock

Melt butter in a small skillet. Add flour and whisk over medium heat until roux is smooth and golden. Stir it into the stock. Add onions and green bell pepper and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes. Strain stock, return to heat, and add giblets and neck meat, mushrooms, and wine. Cook 5 minutes longer before serving.

Transfer turkey to a warmed serving platter and carve. (From last week's article) Serve some sliced white and dark meat to each person, along with a spoonful of stuffing and a generous serving of gravy.

The sweet potatoes are quick and simple. Bake 4 sweet potatoes until soft. Peel them and cut into fourths, place in bowl, add remaining ingredients of ¼ cup course chopped pecans, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, ¼ pound (1 stick) of unsalted butter and a pinch of salt. Mix with electric beater while still warm, which helps the butter to melt and blend. Raise the beaters and remove any "strings" in the sweet potatoes.

When well mixed and smooth, spoon into buttered casserole dish. Sprinkle marshmallow on top and bake in 350 degrees oven until marshmallows are golden.

To prepare the real good stuff that is the Cranberry relish with kick, start with 1 pound of cranberries, 2 oranges, peeled, 1 cup of sugar, 1 ounce rum, and 1 ounce Gran Marnier.

Put all ingredients in container of blender or food processor and mince finely. Refrigerate overnight. This dish is like waking up on Christmas morning, if you are a child, and running to the tree to see what Santa gave you. But this dish is for the adults.

If there are any needs for a healthy cooking of a Roasted Turkey with Potatoes and Kale let me know and a zesty flavorful entrée's for Thanksgiving will follow. This needs to start a day ahead so that it can marinate in the refrigerate

Also in Bon Appétit magazine, dated November, 2009, 68 recipes to mix and match for turkeys, stuffings, potatoes sides and breads. It also has 10 perfect menus for Healthy Holiday Foods and what to do with the leftovers. My ideas are not in these recipes but should you read this magazine you will keep your copy for future ideas. I like the magazine for it has recipes that you can purchase in Kennett.

Like the magazine says, "Eat Well and Savor Life." Chef Paul Prudhomme signs his books with "Good Cooking, Good Eating, Good Loving." I just say,

"Have a Happy"

Larry Eiker is a Kennett resident who enjoys

traveling all over the world and experiencing great food, while bringing some of those ideas back home to the Bootheel to

share with others.
