April 24, 2013

HORNERSVILLE -- During the most recent meeting of the city council Mayor William Foresythe told members that he had received a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a grant for a fire engine and that the city was denied the grant...

HORNERSVILLE -- During the most recent meeting of the city council Mayor William Foresythe told members that he had received a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a grant for a fire engine and that the city was denied the grant.

Following a brief discussion, all members voted to ask Fire Chief John Mallott of the Kennett Fire Department for his assistance in pursuing another grant for the purchase of the truck. In recent months, the city's fire truck began giving problems and was unable to do its job. Upon hearing of the situation, the Kennett Fire Department loaned the city one of its older trucks until the city could obtain another one of its own.

During public participation, there were two residents, Joey Jackson and Brandy Davis, there to discuss with the board the possibility of putting in a small grocery store with a drive through in the garage of their house. The residence is located on Main Street. After discussing the zoning and other details pertaining to the venture, Mayor Foresythe told Mr. Jackson that he would need to get something signed from all his neighbors and the highway department since he is also wanting to install a culvert in the drive on Main Street which is a state highway. He is to have all this ready by the next meeting and it will be further discussed by council members.

Another item discussed at the meeting included the lights at the ballpark located at the school. It was brought to the board's attention the lights are now in the process of being put back in around the field. Several local organizations have contributed funds to help with this expense. There has been discussion of the possibility of a new concession stand and using the old one to store equipment in. However, after a brief discussion, no decision was made and Mayor Foresythe suggested tabling it until the next meeting.

During the department reports, it was brought to the board's attention that a representative from ASA Asphalt had been in the city to inspect the streets. Ones needing repair include Shultz Street, Belle Street and a portion of Dorothy Street. A proposal was submitted by ASA in the amount of $27,140. This sum includes the repair of Belle Street from the new asphalt to the corner and Schultz Street from Belle Street to Branum Street. Council members were told that there may be enough to repair a portion of Dorothy Street as well as repair a portion of Mulberry Street. After a brief discussion, council members voted in favor of the proposal/bid. Mayor Foresythe added that Clay Township had mentioned the possbility of donating $5,000 annually to help the city with the paving. He told the council that he would be checking into this.

In other matters concerning the street department, the board was told that the city's truck needed two new front tires. Mayor Foresythe instructed the maintenance department to make the purchase.

Assistant Fire Chief Tim Rauls was present at the meeting to give the fire department report. He told council members that there were two medical calls for the month. The department has also added three new members, Russell Hansen, Jason Bishop and Wayne Johnson. Assistant Chief Rauls also reported the following activity:

* The loaner truck from Kennett has had the pump tested.

* An individual from the community also assisted with a fire earlier in the month as well as helping with the hoses. The department's fire chief is thinking of adding this person to the fd roster since he has had training in firefighting. He will be checking this person out.

During the police report, council members were told that there had been a total of 40 calls in the city. Chief JoBeth Patterson will be checking into the open burn holes at some of the residences in the city. There was a brief discussion concerning how long these should allowed to be open. Councilmen agreed that she should go by any ordinance or code that is in place to help solve this problem.

Also discussed at the meeting included the following:

* Council members discussed the pro and cons of installing a metal building versus a wooden building added on to the existing structure at the airport. Adding on with wood would be less expensive. Measurements will be taken of a plane's wingspan that will housed in the structure.

* Sarah Jo Morgan, CPA for the city informed council members that the city is up $36,000 from this time last year. There is about $90,000 is unrestricted funds at this time. However, this is down about $12,000 from last month. This is due partly to the irrigation expense being paid to the city monthly rather than annually. The budget, as a whole, is down by about $11,000 from where it was budgeted. Morgan added that this is good news. This year's fiscal year will end on April 30 of this year so the city will be hard at work ironing out the new budget for the next fiscal year. Morgan told council members that the area that needs to be examined more closely is the water works.

* Election results were certified. Sworn in were Mayor Foresythe, and Council members Wyrick and Coleman.
