August 3, 2013

They say "all roads lead to Rome," and for Kennett native Limmie Pulliam, that statement is true. Pulliam has a talent that has literally opened up the world to him. Pulliam grew up singing, but as a child never would have imagined he would have made it this far. ...

Rachel Jaco Daily Dunklin Democrat

They say "all roads lead to Rome," and for Kennett native Limmie Pulliam, that statement is true. Pulliam has a talent that has literally opened up the world to him.

Pulliam grew up singing, but as a child never would have imagined he would have made it this far. "I grew up singing in church my whole life, being a pastor's son, it gave me no option but to be involved," Pulliam said. "Looking back I am very thankful I was so involved," he said. He grew up attending Victor Temple Church of God in Christ, as well as Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, in Wyatt, Mo.

Pulliam started focusing on his vocal talent in middle school. Kennett Middle School choir director, Viretta Sexton, had Pulliam singing many songs in the KMS choir. "I was a bass singer at the time, I was a much lower voice than the other bass singers, until towards the end of my eighth grade year," said Pulliam.

After starting high school, both Pulliam and Sexton noticed the drastic change in his voice "this very low bass singer, had went to a high tenor voice within a second it seemed like," said Pulliam.

As time went on he kept singing as a tenor in his high school choir, "as I continued to practice, I realized it wouldn't be so bad as a tenor after all," he said.

When Pulliam's voice changed as he became a teenager, going into his four years of high school, he had discovered so much more came with his voice change other than singing. "I had to learn to read treble clef music, which is a lot different than bass music," Pulliam said.

During Pulliam's sophomore year, Sexton asked if he had a moment he could talk with her after the class bell. "Of course I said sure, I was completely clueless of where this conversation was headed," said Pulliam. Sexton asked Pulliam if he had ever heard of opera, at the time he did not know much about the music, but was very willing to learn. Sexton handed Pulliam a cassette tape of Luciano Pavarotti, as well as the sheet music.

"I realized I was very intrigued by the sound of the opera, and knew right then I wanted to learn more," he said.

Pulliam learned the music from the cassette. "The funny thing to me is Mrs. Sexton never got her tape back. I listened to it repeatedly, and studied it as much as possible," he said.

Pulliam's first performance piece as a professional opera singer, at the Di Roma, opera festival in Rome, Italy was "Una Furtiva Lagrima" which was one of the songs from the cassette.

Following graduation from KHS in 1994, Pulliam attended Oberlin College, in Oberlin, Ohio. "My vocal teacher who helped me the most while studying at Oberlin, was a man named Mr. Richard Miller, who was very talented in more ways than one," said Pulliam.

Pulliam later left Oberlin to take on more professional contracts offered to him throughout the United States. "I later spent almost two years in Italy, with the intention of studying the Italian language, as well as the culture, also I was working with multiple vocal voice teachers and coaches" said Pulliam.

Pulliam took a long break from his singing career in the year of 2000.

In June, 2011, he reunited with his love of music. "Doing a concert in my hometown, really hit me, I knew this is where I needed to be, to fulfill my dreams," he said.

Pulliam started really pushing his career in opera for the second time in 2011, "I worked hard to get my voice back," said Pulliam.

He eventually started working with Dr. Sandra Franks, a vocal teacher, and professor at Rhodes College in Memphis Tenn. "She helped me succeed a lot. She is a very patient, helpful, wonderful person," Pulliam said.

In January 2012 Pulliam entered his first competition in thirteen years, The National Opera Association and Vocal Competition. "I did win first place in the artist division and I felt like I was actually beginning to be back in business," said Pulliam.

In March 2012 Pulliam was selected as one of six finalist in Liederkranz International vocal competition. "Unfortunately I was not one of the three winners, but I knew I gave it my best shot, and was continuing to stay on track towards singing," he said.

Within the last year Pulliam has had numerous auditions, as well a a lot of training to succeed in the opera. Though it has been a long road back for Pulliam, he is enjoying the time and effort he has put into the opera. "There are no shortcuts when it comes to this style of singing, opera isn't easy by no means," said Pulliam.

Pulliam spends approximately two hours a day singing, as well as another three to four hours of studying and memorizing music pieces.

Pulliam has become very proficient in Italian, French, and German, "I have not mastered Russian as of yet, but I assure you I am working very hard at it," he noted.

Studying the different languages plays a big factor of whether or not anyone succeeds in the opera industry. "I am extremely fortunate to have this career as I am working on my vocals for the opera," said Pulliam.

One of the main reasons it is so hard to succeed in Opera is simply because there is no local "hub," with the exception of New York City. "We are forced to travel at our own expense, for any audition, or performance, this is a very expensive career choice that I chose to pursue," Pulliam noted.

For many being part of the Opera Industry is a huge struggle both financially and mentally. "You almost have to have a supportive family that is well rounded, and always there to pick you up when you need it the most," said Pulliam. He also mentioned "in the past, some opera singers would have benefactors, this is where someone who believed in your talent would give you the means to succeed, and to pursue a career."

Pulliam noted that Opera singers aren't like most musicians. "We have our instruments with us at all times, no matter what. Most musicians can go out and purchase a new piece of equipment, not the ones in Opera. We only have our vocal chords and we only have one set," he said.

Pulliam will be traveling to New York City in August for auditions. In September, he will travel to Italy, where he will be competing in the Marcello Giordani Foundation's 3rd annual vocal competition . Pulliam does has an account for fundraisers at
