April 16, 2014

In an 8-1 vote, the Kennett City Council passed an ordinance tonight that mirrors voter support for a city-wide smoking ban. Although the turnout was light during last week's advisory election, 68 percent of those who did cast a ballot said yes to the ban...

In an 8-1 vote, the Kennett City Council passed an ordinance tonight that mirrors voter support for a city-wide smoking ban.

Although the turnout was light during last week's advisory election, 68 percent of those who did cast a ballot said yes to the ban.

One citizen spoke urged the council to vote against the ordinance.

Melvin Gerdel said the ordinance was another example of government taking away civil liberties.

Councilwoman Freddie Sokoloff, who voted against the ordinance, voiced concerned about an ordinance "that should be the decision of private business."

Councilman Rick Gore cited the overwhelming approval of voters as the reason for his support.

The ban forbids smoking in most public places within the Kennett city limits.

The exemptions are a private residence, outdoor areas of places of employment, a place where more than 50 percent of the business carried out deals in some way with tobacco sales, as well as bars and taverns whose license is held by a charitable, religious, or veteran's organization.

Hotels and motels can set aside 25 percent for smokers.

The ordinance goes into effect immediately.
