May 18, 2016

Sweet Mayhem was kind enough to open their doors after hours to the Dunklin County Democratic Women's Club Monday night. The meeting began at 6 p.m. and dinner and gourmet drinks were served to those in attendance, along with dessert and a special treat...

Photo by Adria Hyde, staff
Judith Vavak, former Dunklin County Clerk, was asked to speak at the Dunklin County Democratic Women's monthly meeting Monday night in Kennett.
Photo by Adria Hyde, staff Judith Vavak, former Dunklin County Clerk, was asked to speak at the Dunklin County Democratic Women's monthly meeting Monday night in Kennett.

Sweet Mayhem was kind enough to open their doors after hours to the Dunklin County Democratic Women's Club Monday night. The meeting began at 6 p.m. and dinner and gourmet drinks were served to those in attendance, along with dessert and a special treat.

The organization usually holds its meetings at Strawberry's in Holcomb, but in an effort to boost membership and peak interest in the organization, a vote was held to begin holding the next few monthly meetings at other locations. The motion passed with flying colors and last night's meeting proved the gamble paid off. There was a marked increase in attendance.

Chad Stone even made a special treat with a patriotic flare for those in attendance to enjoy. President of the Dunklin County Democrats Dorothy Adams called the meeting to order and took a moment to welcome all the new visitors to the meeting.

She then gave a brief review of the activities that Democrats have been heavily involved in the last few months, mainly the process of selecting presidential delegates who will be traveling to Charleston, S.C. in June to represent the Missouri Bootheel Democratic organization.

The process began at the Dunklin County Courthouse where delegates were chosen to represent Bernie Sanders and other delegates were chosen to represent Hillary Clinton.

The chosen delegates were then required to attend the Congressional Caucus held at The Landing in Van Buren, where they had the chance to listen to all the delegates speak and vote on the ones they would like to see go the the National Democratic Convention in Charleston.

"If you have never had the chance to go to a convention, I suggest that you do, although the next one is four years away. We had a chance to listen to some very good speakers," said JoBeth Rickman. She also said that it helps to give a better understanding of how delegates are chosen to represent states and how they get voted into the Electoral College.

Adams announced the upcoming events for the next few months leading up to the presidential election.

June 3-4 is the Missouri Federation of Women's Democratic Clubs (MFWDC) Convention, which will be held at the Lake of the Ozarks.

This year's theme for the event is "Celebrating the Past-building the Future," and it will be held at Lodge of the Four Seasons. This is the 85th year for the convention, and it is a lost standing tradition among Democratic Women's Clubs. Cost of registration is $45 and according to Adams, Dunklin County Democratic Women have decided that members of their chapter will be reimbursed the $45 registration fee if they choose to attend.

Friday afternoon is check in time in the hotel lobby from 2-7 p.m., then from 4:30 until 6:00 p.m. there will be a MFWDC Executive Board Meeting for state executive board members, past presidents, district presidents, standing committee chairs, convention chair, co-chairs, and other special committee chairs. There will be an auction at 7 p.m.

"We have already collected several items for the auction and bought an ad for the booklet that is given out at the convention," said Adams.

Saturday wraps up the convention. From 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. ladies and guests are to choose where they want to eat breakfast and then at 10:00 a.m. the Convention Call to Order takes place.

A luncheon will take place at 12:30 p.m. and an Executive Board meeting will be held immediately following the luncheon. That marks the end of the convention but Adams said that those wishing to attend can stay another night with the freedom to do as they wish. "The Lake of the Ozarks is a beautiful place, and you will still have the special rates available for staying the weekend of the convention," she said.

Other upcoming events are the National Federation of Democratic Women's Convention in Charleston, S.C., June 9-12, The Democratic State Convention in Sedalia is June 17-18, and the Southeast Missouri Rally at the Elk's Lodge in Dexter on June 25.

After Adams made the announcement abut upcoming events, Judith Vavak was invited to speak at this month's meeting. Vavak was chosen as a delegate this year, and although she said that she had served in county politics, that the experience was an eye opening one for her. "I guess I was under the assumption that county and state politics were run separately," she said with a laugh.

Vavak chose to speak about the process of delegate selection and used an issue of Parade magazine that described it. "If you do not understand how the process works," she said, " You are not alone."

The next month's meeting will be held at Las Brisas Mexican Restaurant in Malden, Monday June 20, at 6 p.m.
