Dorothy Adams, President of the 8th District Missouri Federation of Democratic Women’s Clubs, and Midwest Regional Director for the NFDW, was awarded the National Federation of Democratic Women 2018 Member of the Year Award, June 16, in Tempe, Arizona at the NFDW Convention Awards Luncheon.
“I was just absolutely blown out of the room almost,” said Adams. “They called my name and all I could do was cry. It just overwhelmed me.”
“When I turned around and faced 450 people giving me a standing ovation I started crying again,” she said.
Prior to her retirement Adams had a career in social services.
“I spent my career working social services, working with the most vulnerable, the disabled, the aged, and the children,” said Adams. “I knew 6 months after I started working that I was going to make a career out of that.”
Adams continued, “I would thank God everyday. Here I am, getting to do what I want to do and help people and I’m getting paid for it. For 52 years it was a dream job.”
However, she stated being a state government employee restricted her political activity.
“I’ve always been political,” shared Adams. “I could not wait to register to vote.”
“Even as a young kid I would follow that kind of stuff,” she said.
Adams knew after her retirement she would be able to follow her passion for politics and was determined to be involved in the political arena.
“I’ve always been a real high energy individual and I thought I’m not going to be one of these people that sits home in my robe all day long and watches TV,” said Adams. “I’m going to get involved in politics and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
Adams continued, “The principles were still there. I love our country and I like to stand up and say I’m proud to be an American. I’m one of those people that when I see an American flag that’s furling in the wind, I just start bawling.
Adams has strong opinions on many current topics such as immigration.
“Having worked in child protection services all those years, that just broke my heart. It was inhumane.”
Healthcare is also a concern of Adams.
“Healthcare is just a battle,” she said. “I know people that have to make a decision on eating or going to the doctor or getting their prescriptions filled. That has got to be taken care of.”
The American Veteran is another of her causes.
“When I think about our country and all we’ve accomplished,” stated Adams. “The men and women that have sacrificed so much to ensure that we can sit here and talk freely like this and we don’t pay enough attention to those people, our veterans.”
Adams reflected on what her political career has given her.
“A satisfaction of being part of making a difference,” she said. “I want to help people.”
Adams has no intention of slowing down anytime soon.
“I’m going to give it everything I’ve got as long as I can,” shared Adams. “Someone has got to be able to stand up and be proud to stand up and make a difference.”