August 25, 2018

A good meal, a health check-up, and a clean environment. These are just a few of the things we can thank our school support staff for. As we honor teachers we must also celebrate and salute the school support staff. Just as I remember my teachers, I also fondly recall many of the support staff...

A good meal, a health check-up, and a clean environment.

These are just a few of the things we can thank our school support staff for.

As we honor teachers we must also celebrate and salute the school support staff.

Just as I remember my teachers, I also fondly recall many of the support staff.

Cafeteria staff, custodians, school nurses, bus drivers and teacher’s aides.

There are so many and I know I’ve forgotten some.

The role of the school nurse has evolved so much since I was in school.

No longer just a supplier of band-aids for skinned knees, the school nurse is a crucial part of a child’s well-being, the student’s mental health as well as also spearheading infection control and taking on the role of liaison between the primary care physician, parent and student.

Cafeteria staff. The venerable lunch lady. I remember many of them. I have always loved to eat so they were very important to me.

Even as an adult working as an addiction counselor in Illinois, I would always introduce new employees to the cafeteria staff and tell the newbies, kitchen staff are the most important people in the building.

I received many extra helpings and to-go trays for those introductions.

The school bus driver. Some would joke and talk with you, a few might even sing, and others never said a word. They didn’t have to. Their glance in the rear-view mirror said it all.

Teacher’s Aides.

Ask any teacher how important an aide is to them in this age of over-crowded classrooms. How very helpful they can be to a child that struggles. That little extra one on one time is so beneficial.

The school custodians.

Those of you who attended Deering Delta C-7 school, may recall my great aunt and uncle T.A. and Pearl Graham.

I’ve had quite a few adults tell me how much they loved my Aunt Pearl and some can still hear Uncle T.A. yelling at them to get off the freshly buffed gym floor.

These people are essential to the students and teachers as well.

I also salute school counselors and administrators.

A book could be written on the role a coach plays in a person’s life and many have been.

So for every good meal, every well-being check, every safe trip, and every shiny basketball court, we thank you.

We thank the school support staff and the essential role they have played and will continue to play in a student’s life.

See you out there.
