As I listened to Governor Parson address the FCC Behavioral Health staff earlier this week, two topics stuck with me.
First the desperate need for continued expanding broadband service and telemedicine availability to rural communities.
COVID-19 has very few positives if any, but bringing awareness of this topic to the forefront may be one.
The second statement of interest came when the governor said the United States should never have to wait for masks, gowns, or medical supplies of any kind because they are manufactured in foreign countries.
The pandemic proved it can be a serious matter when we are sourcing medical supplies from China.
Over-dependence on other countries for medical supplies is a dangerous business.
According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the US imports almost half its personal protective medical equipment, including masks, goggles, and gloves, from China.
After researching the process of bringing the manufacturing back to America, I discovered it can be difficult.
Payoff of employment contracts must be made as well as acquiring permits to leave.
Mandating federal bodies to purchase US made only goods, as well as tax breaks could be an incentive for companies to bring their supply chain back to our country, and some of these things are already in process.
I for one will try to make a concerted effort to purchase goods made in America.
Buying American creates American jobs.
Buying American saves jobs.
We may have to look a little harder to find a product, but in the long run it is an investment in our nation’s future, and that’s something we should all be able to agree on.
See you out there.