People like choices.
That seems to be the consensus surrounding the city-wide single service sanitation issue.
Although only a handful attend council meetings, the voices around the social media posts and restaurant chatter seem to indicate this.
So much has been said about this subject that I really don’t know what to add.
Yes, we all have opinions, but does one more matter?
I do have some observations, though.
Kevin Swain and Harry Gaddis appear to be the heroes of the council at this time.
With their vote against this endeavor, they have the support of those who wish the project to be placed on a ballot.
Again, people like choices.
Observation #2.
This topic elicits a lot of emotion.
That was evidenced by the back and forth between a councilman and community member during the sanitation meeting held prior to the council meeting on Tuesday.
It’s never a good look when you ask the police to escort someone out of the meeting.
One way to avoid this is to strictly enforce the rule of speaking at the podium only.
Too often we allow comments to be shouted from those in attendance.
Observation #3
I suppose this one is actually more of an opinion.
It was too soon to bring this CLGW bid to take on the trash service.
It has not been that long since we went through all this single city-wide trash service provider discussions.
The people spoke clearly and they were opposed to the proposal.
This will continue to be a controversial subject and unfortunately, this won’t be the last column, news article, or discussion about this subject.
Let’s hope, once again, this will have a good outcome for the city of Kennett.
A lesson for the future though remains.
People like choices.
See you out there.