Following a night of violence at the Gideon Bulldog Classic, two teams involved are facing a build-up of consequences.
Hayti and South Pemiscot basketball teams have been uninvited to play in the Bloomfield Christmas tournament and the Clarkton Holiday Tournament.
On Friday, Dec. 6 during the final day of Gideon’s annual Bulldog Classic tournament, a fight broke out in the lobby of Gideon’s gym.
This took place during halftime of the third-place game between Kennett and Hayti.
Initial rumors speculated the use of a firearm, but police have assured there were no weapons used during this incident.
In order of events, a small group of teenagers entered the lobby after paying for admissions and then proceeded to attack members of South Pemiscot’s Boys Basketball team. Multiple fights broke out during this commotion.
The initial information report from the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Department contained a statement released by South Pemiscot School District.
“There was an incident that occurred at the Gideon Tournament that took place between Hayti students and some of our ballplayers.”
South Pemiscot administration continued the statement by admitting they have yet to discover the root cause for this violent action.
Due to the lack of knowledge behind this event, while it is still under investigation, Hayti High School has taken measures to ensure the safety of its students.
“Until further notice, to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff, attendance at our home games will be limited to parents and guardians of the student-athletes,” reads a Hayti High School Facebook post. “This will be for both boys and girls Basketball games.”
These actions have also led to opponents canceling their competitions against the two programs. East Prairie, who was set to play South Pemiscot in the championship game of the Bulldog Classic prior to cancellation, canceled their match-up against Hayti on Friday, Dec. 13.
Along with their refusal to play Hayti, East Prairie has also canceled all future games against South Pemiscot.
“We do not know of any other cancellations but will let you know if any more happen,” Read a Facebook post from South Pemiscot Schools.