This and That
It’s been another busy week around Kennett.
This past weekend my family and I attended the Fall into Arts Festival.
I ran into many friends and left with some great jams and some local art pieces.
Despite the threat of rain and an actual downpour or two, the community came out and really supported the festival.
We also welcomed home the 1137th National Guard.
A big thank you to them and all they’ve done throughout the years serving our country.
Also thanks to the local VFW for hosting so many of the events that promote, educate and support our area veterans.
A huge shoutout and thank you to the Kennett Fire Department Property Maintenance guys for getting out this week and mowing and trimming neglected properties in Kennett.
It made quite a difference and is much appreciated.
If we could get some homeowners, renters, and landlords to follow suit we’d have a lot better looking community. But that’s a column in itself.
This Saturday is “Thank a Police Officer Day.”
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our local law enforcement.
They do a great job and here at the DDD we back the blue.
There’s a lot more coming up including the Mixed Breed Car Show in Campbell and the Arbyrd Cotton Pickin’ Festival Pageant, both being held today. Next Saturday the Cotton Pickin’ Festival kicks off and October 6, Cardwell hold its first Fall Festival.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so look for profiles of local breast cancer survivors in the DDD as well as coverage of the Delta Children’s Home auction.
The Delta Fair is just around the corner and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there, along with the entertainment and some of the best food you’ll ever eat.
Fair time is always special.
Holidays are fast approaching and we’ll have many stories spotlighting local events. Holiday event such as the Scare on the Square.
Add the November elections to the list and you can see where we’ll stay busy bringing it all to you.
Get out and enjoy all that Dunklin County has to offer this Fall.
See you out there.