
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Keep it positive

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Jeff Dorris


The longer I live the more I’m convinced in the benefits of positive thinking.

No matter how bad things seem, keeping a positive mental attitude lightens the load.

This statement was confirmed many times for me this week as I met with breast cancer survivors throughout the county.

Could there be anything more frightening than hearing the words, you’ve got cancer?

All of the women I spoke with had an initial reaction of shock and terror.

To be faced with your own mortality is something that would drive most to despair.

But these women all spoke of the power in keeping a positive attitude.

The support of friends and family as well as their faith were essential to their recovery they stated, however positive thinking and the assertion that all would be well, fueled them through the darkest moments.

In fact researchers from the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center say that patients who had psychosocial issues such as anxiety, depression, low optimism, or lack of social support before a stem cell transplant had a higher risk for hospital readmission and stayed longer when they were readmitted compared to those in better overall mental health.

Studies show that optimism boosts longevity and overall mental health.

I am always encouraged by these women and their stories.

These are not women who folded into the fear but did fierce battle with it.

This is not to say that there weren’t moments where fear crept in or the occasional crying spell.

Always remember a good cry can make a person feel better as well.

In the next couple of weeks you’ll be reading their stories in the DDD.

I guarantee their stories will uplift you and give you an grateful attitude.

I thank them all for allowing us into one of the most difficult times in their lives and sharing a simple but vital message.

Keep it positive.

See you out there.

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