A word from our sponsor
Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays where many cards are received.
It always amazes me how many people turn that card around to see if it’s a Hallmark.
It proves that a good advertising slogan can really stick with you.
When you care enough to send the very best.
It has me thinking about all the slogans that I still remember and influence me as well.
There have been some great ones over the years.
Remember these?
Finger lickin’ good.
They’re GR-R-R-REAT!
I’m a pepper...wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?
The un-cola.
To this day when someone’s sick I still go for the 7up.
Powerful advertising.
I buy generic paper towels but I always feel I’m not getting the best quality. After all, it’s not the quicker picker upper.
For us old-timers, when I spread margarine on a piece of toast I still hear the phrase, “It’s not nice to fool, Mother Nature.”
I still recall fondly some of the great characters that came from commercials.
Actress Jane Withers recently passed away.
Withers was an accomplished actress that appeared in many movies and t.v. series but I’ll always remember her as Josephine the Plumber from the Comet cleanser commercials.
Mr. Whipple.
Colonel Sanders.
Morris the Cat.
So many others that bring a smile to my face.
I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane and may you always fly the friendly skies, have it your way, and keep going, and going, and going.
See you out there.