
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Excellence in Education

Saturday, March 23, 2019

I’ve spent the last few weeks traveling Dunklin County and visiting area high schools to gather information for an Excellence in Education special section for the DDD.

I have met many impressive area students.

We have smart kids here.

Not only smart, but also good citizens.

They volunteer. They’re active in church. They participate in sports and extracurricular activities.

They are active and engaged in their community.

We have students here, that upon graduation are pursuing careers in medicine, law, the military, and yes, even journalism.

I enjoyed meeting them all and was extremely impressed with the group.

I also interviewed staff members that were to be recognized.

They ranged from teachers, to administrative assistants, to cafeteria workers.

They all are being honored because of the impact they’ve made.

They each bring a little something different to the students.

Some are doting and some are more tough love.

They all care, that is evident.

Praise works.

Studies have shown that effective praise for students motivates them to learn and increases participation in class.

Notice the effort by students. Be sincere and enthusiastic.

With the staff, I salute them and celebrate their accomplishments and honor their commitment.

We enjoyed putting this section together and hope our readers will as well.

It’s said that a person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected.

We appreciate our students and staff in Dunklin County.

Look for the Excellence in Education section in the Saturday, March 30 edition of the Delta Dunklin Democrat.

See you out there.

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