
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Mayors and Marijuana

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Jeff Dorris


As new mayors and council members take the oath of office across the county, I hope they are able to check personal bias and grudges at the door.

When area candidates were asked what they considered the role of the mayor, they failed to mention diplomacy.

As a whole they have to give up the need for attention and be humble enough to do the work of the community as a cohesive group.

Focus on the message of solidarity and not on personal accomplishments or inflated egos.

It’s about what we can do together.

It’s about humility.

Prosperity and improvements for the community must come from a group effort.

The ability to work together is essential.

You certainly don’t have to like each other, but you must be able to unite for the betterment of the city.

It will not be an easy task, but it must be done.

The community has a role to play in this as well.

A Facebook live airing of the meetings has been suggested.

Social media is fine, but I’ve always had better results with eyeball to eyeball. If at all possible get to the council meetings.

Also a quick mention this week to the application for a medical marijuana site in Kennett.

There has been a lot of discussion on this subject since the news broke.

This project is in the early, early stages.

Get informed during this process.

Do research on the pros and cons.

It’s way too early to have a knee-jerk reaction either way.

I look forward to seeing what the future holds in store for Dunklin County. Transparency in local government was talked about during the campaign.

I agree.

However if transparency plays out to observing arguing every meeting, stalling any form of progress, that will get old quick.

See you out there.

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