
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


The fitness talk

Saturday, August 31, 2019

As my annual physical exam draws near, I’m beginning to prepare for “the talk”.

The fitness talk.

Oh, how I dread it.

I’ve had lots of years to get used to it, but still there is dread.

A doctor once asked me if I was still eating donuts?

I replied yes, with a big old goofy smile.

“Do you want to experience a heart attack?” he asked with absolutely no hint of a smile.

“No”, I answered. “I just like a good apple fritter with a hot cup of coffee.”

That particular doctor was a vegan. As you can imagine we parted ways fairly quickly.

We are a medically advanced society.

Just give me the pill so I can eat what I want!

I like to eat, but another obstacle in getting fit is exercise, or rather the lack thereof.

I just haven’t found a way to enjoy it.

I’ve tried listening to music while I work out, exercising with a buddy, and taking in the scenery while walking in parks.

One day I’ll share the story of how a black bird ran me completely out of a park, through a parking lot and back to my neighborhood in mere minutes.

I know I’m not the only one who suffers with this.

We can spot each other. There’s that knowing glance across the buffet.

I know the signs of a non-fit comrade.

Overweight pet.

Show me a fat dog and I’ll show you a pet owner that doesn’t like to walk.

A little old lady approached me while I was studying the Little Debbie cakes at the grocery store.

As I tried to decide which of these delicious desserts I would bring home, she looked up at me and very sweetly said, “You look like you keep a sweet tooth all the time.”

Amen sister.

The struggle continues.

But, that’s the good news.

I will continue.

I will keep trying!

I will forge ahead!

I will not quit!

I believe I’ll try again today.

Right after I eat this fritter.

See you out there.

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