
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Healthcare Remedies

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bringing a hospital back to Kennett has returned to the front burner in the form of a new healthcare advisory committee.

The committee is comprised of healthcare professionals, government representatives, and local business leaders.

Their plan is to explore all feasible solutions to address healthcare in our area.

I’m glad to see community leaders interested in bringing more healthcare facilities or a hospital back to our community, however this is a huge undertaking and there are no quick fixes.

This will take time.

It is a crisis that is affecting the entire nation.

According to a 2016 report by iVantage Analytics, nearly one-third of all rural hospitals in the U.S. are at risk of closing.

It truly is a difficult task this committee has in front of it.

What indeed are the options?

Hospitals come with big price tags.

The reality is there’s only so much you can do with tax dollars.

In actuality, a hospital isn’t the only option.

Perhaps a primary care clinic attached to an emergency department would suffice.

Since the closing of the hospital some of us are still fortunate enough to access medical services that are offered relatively close.

Some are not.

With the travel issues affecting a majority of our population, local healthcare is imperative.

The committee will have to think outside of the box.

It’s time for innovation.

I’m hopeful and look forward to the ideas that come forth from this local think-tank.

Mayor Wayne pledges to hit this problem with a big ball of steam.

Let’s hope they don’t run out of that steam as the weeks go by.

Solutions are out there.

It can be done.

Many rural communities have re-invented healthcare in their area.

It will take dedication, intensive research and networking, and a lot of hard work.

We’ll continue to follow this new endeavor to bring adequate healthcare back to the community and look forward to sharing with you, the fresh ideas from this committee.

One can only hope for positive results.

We haven’t had many wins here lately.

See you out there.

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