
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


World Book wonders

Saturday, November 2, 2019

I love to read.

If you’re around me for any length of time, you’ll see a book, magazine, or newspaper in my hand.

My love of reading started at an early age.

As a child I had quite a collection of Little Golden Books.

One particular incident I recall very well was around the age of eight, when a man in a suit and briefcase knocked on our front door.

“I’m with World Book Encyclopedias,” he said.

When he entered our kitchen, he brought with him a wonderful gift, the World Book Encyclopedias and Childcraft books.

My life was forever changed.

My parents bought the entire set, including the Atlas, and the book case to display them all.

Looking back it was probably the best gift I ever received.

I fell in love with those books.

I was enchanted with reading them and learning about historical figures and fascinating places.

The Childcraft books were organized by color and I read them over and over again.

I learned of the Seven Wonders of the World and how to make your own Halloween costume.

Just thinking about them conjures images of me at the dining room table writing a school paper, or reading a Childcraft story by my bedside lamp.

Those encyclopedias weren’t cheap and I will forever be indebted to my parents for buying them.

I discovered they still make World Encyclopedia sets.

I assumed with the internet they would have become obsolete,but they’re still on library shelves and many parents who homeschool their children use them.

I may look into purchasing a set.

I believe I would still enjoy picking up a random volume, opening it up, and getting lost in those wonderfully written informative, educational stories.

See you out there.

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