Attitude of gratitude
When Thanksgiving rolls around I always like to write on gratitude.
It seems we all take a little more time to be thankful during the holiday season, but it should be a central part of our lives throughout the year.
When we have an attitude of gratitude it changes our entire outlook.
Gratitude is backed by science.
Studies show that people who practice gratitude are generally happier people.
One study revealed that grateful people are, more optimistic, stronger at dealing with challenges, have more energy, experience less stress and live longer.
It’s a process to stay grateful.
I have a terrible tendency to slip out of gratitude and begin taking aspects of my life for granted.
Not good.
Here are three ways to get out of the practice of negative thinking.
Appreciate the simple things.
There are so many simple joys in life that we need to be more mindful of.
Think how good it feels to laugh deeply, go for a walk outside, or hold a newborn baby.
Be grateful for every day.
Be thankful for those that helped us and pray for those in need.
Each day is a new chance to appreciate people in our lives that bless us.
Help others.
It is almost impossible to feel ingratitude when serving others.
It can be simple things like making the morning coffee or visiting a sick friend.
Opportunities to serve are everywhere, especially during the holidays.
It takes a daily effort to focus on gratitude, but you’ll find over time that such practices can become a part of your life.
Have a happy Thanksgiving and remember to be especially grateful for living in the greatest nation in the world.
See you out there.