I love conversations.
I love having them.
I love small talk.
I have a friend who hates them, especially while watching a sporting event on television.
I’ve heard on more than one occasion the phrase, “There is way too much chit chat going on during this game.”
It’s also my interview style.
When someone I’m featuring in a story is apprehensive I always tell them, we’re just going to have a conversation.
That’s why I decided to periodically run a series of articles centered around conversations I’ve had with people around the area.
I have had great discussions in my office, at the restaurant, and at friend’s homes. I decided to take some of those conversations and share them with our readers.
Conversation with a concerned citizen.
Conversation with a retired nurse.
Conversation with a community hero.
This edition of the DDD begins the series with Conversation with a former mayor. Jake Crafton and I sat in my office and had a great conversation about a number of topics. I’ve edited it down for space, but I could have filled the paper with our visit.
It was relaxed and enjoyable and I learned some things concerning Kennett and our former mayor.
That’s another aspect of having a good conversation, being a good listener.
I hope you enjoy the article and it elicits conversations among you.
I look forward to sharing more of these conversations.
I hope to have a conversation with some of you, our readers.
Just not while we’re watching the game.
See you out there.