
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat



Saturday, October 17, 2020

Every year at this time we print a special section devoted to breast cancer awareness.

Every year I meet a variety of people who have fought this disease and share their stories of inspiration and hope.

It’s an emotional section to write.

We focus on breast cancer in October but in actuality all those diagnosed with any form of cancer experience the same feeling.


The very word strikes fear in most.

No one wants to hear that diagnosis.

Most all of these remarkable women admit to the terror in the beginning of their fight with cancer.

But as they move through the journey, many other emotions, other C words if you will, come to light.


All show much courage as they go through surgeries and treatment.


They are a testament to a strong work ethic as many continued on with their jobs during their chemo and radiation treatments.


Yes, there were tears, but it’s alright to cry.


Many continue to reach out and help those going through their battle with cancer, years after their own recovery.

So many C words, confident, community, caring, carry-on.

All play a part in their stories.

Of course the most important C word of all is there too.

The word that is foremost through it all.


Thank you ladies for sharing this most difficult and personal time in your lives.

See you out there.

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