
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat



Saturday, August 13, 2022

A pillar is defined as a tall, solid structure that is usually used to support part of a building.

A pillar of the community is defined as a person who is a chief supporter of a society, state, institution, community.

Synonyms include supporter, leader, worthy, rock.

That describes Sol Astrachan perfectly.

Kennett has lost its chief supporter.

Through my years in Kennett, Sol and I had many conversations and even more email correspondences.

In fact, I received my last email from Sol the day before he passed.

He was a wealth of local knowledge and assisted me in many articles concerning Kennett’s past.

His wisdom and words of advice were invaluable to me.

His contributions to the City of Kennett throughout his lifetime were immeasurable, from coaching youth baseball, to civic club leadership to, the role he held most dear, Mayor.

In my last formal interview with Sol he shared the five things he was most proud of in his tenure as mayor.

Number one, the integration of the swimming pool, the public housing area, and the elementary school.

Number two, the extension of water and sewer lines through much of the city that did not have this service, especially sewer.

“I would say we abolished over 500 privies and outhouses,” Sol said.

Number three, the street program. “A lot of the community still had gravel and dirt streets,” he said. “We started a program of mixing the cost between the property owner and the city.”

Number four, the signing of a contract with the federal government for the purchase of electric power to augment what Kennett’s power plant could produce.

“It gave us a safety valve in case anything happened to it,” Sol stated.

Number five, writing articles in the Delta Dunklin Democrat keeping the people informed.

“It far excelled my fondest expectations,” he said. “The feedback was enormous.”

Sol loved Kennett and the community.

He loved his country.

What kind of name is Astrachan?” someone would ask.

Sol always replied, “It’s an American name.”

He will be missed.

In that final interview Sol shared he had high hopes for Kennett.

He stated “We have been here 150 years and yes, we have had some steps backward, but with a proper attitude, I think we can overcome them.”

We will certainly try, Sol.

See you out there.

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