Acceptance is the answer
Have you ever been angry?
Sure you have.
Have you ever been angry for a week?
I realized Thursday night that I’ve been carrying around some level of anger all week.
I can’t have that, so I began to determine the cause of it.
Some of it is misplaced. Some of it is grief hidden in anger.
But most of it, I believe is frustration.
Frustration from the lack of common sense so prevalent in our society today.
It’s nowhere to be found and it reaches from our little area across the entire nation.
A major culprit in the destruction of common sense is social media.
People will convince themselves, and try to convince others, they’re an expert on a topic after a ten minute Facebook post reading.
A quote from Myrna Loy sums it up pretty well, ‘I think that carrying on a life that is meant to be private in public is a breach of taste, common sense, and mental hygiene’.
Amen sister.
There are trash cans everywhere, and people still feel the need to just throw their garbage on the ground.
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous informs, ‘Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today’.
I find that difficult to do lately.
However, I’ll keep trying.
After all, being angry all the time, leads to a life of resentment, rejection, and ultimately, sorrow.
I don’t have time for all of that.
Maybe I’ll grab a little of that Serenity prayer.
I’ll accept the things I cannot change, have courage enough to change the things I can, and wisdom enough to know the difference.
Now that’s common sense.
See you out there.