Commit to Democracy
Next month voters will go to the polls to elect leaders at the state, local, and federal levels.
Are you ready?
Over the next few months leading up to the spring election, the Delta Dunklin Democrat will publish pre-election articles detailing candidates and their various positions.
The DDD will advise voters of the stakes and encourage them to think critically before making a selection.
Cast your ballot.
The most important thing is to remember that American self-government is too critical, and vulnerable, to comfortably leave to the political and donor classes.
Elections matter.
Complaining after the fact is pointless.
Be prepared to vote.
Learn about the candidates.
Think about the kind of government you really want, and support the candidate who best represents that view.
Here’s a novel idea. Try to vote for someone, not against someone.
Choose how to vote, whether by mail, during early voting, or at the polls on Election Day.
Remember proper photo identification is required.
If you require more information, the good folks at the city and county clerk’s office can help.
Remember, this is your chance to make a difference, whether it’s your first time voting or, like me, you’ve been doing it for decades.
Your vote counts.
Be a patriot.
Prepare yourself and make informed decisions during the upcoming fall and spring elections.
Do your part to support American democracy.
See you out there.