The makings of a great mayor
In a few days we’ll have a new mayor in Kennett.
This isn’t an easy job and the mayor will be faced with many challenges.
The mayor’s job is a big one, and hopefully, everyone in our community realizes this.
I believe Kennett is at a tipping point and our leadership can either help push this town over the hill of issues, or pull it back down.
We need a mayor who has a vision, but understands how public policy, public safety, and city finances work.
We need someone who will fight for the City.
But what makes a great mayor?
I’ve studied multiple articles on this topic and I’ve listed what I believe are the top traits our mayor should have.
A great mayor is trustworthy, honest, and ethical.
They understand how vital economic development is.
Our mayor should be able to work well with others.
A great mayor should have a vision for the community.
A great mayor should be able to make tough decisions that aren’t always necessarily popular with everyone, but communicates his reasons for making those tough decisions.
Finally, they should surround themselves with smart, talented people that assist in bringing his vision to fruition.
In many ways, being mayor is a thankless job, and I commend those who are running.
To become a great community we need a great mayor.
Whoever wins, I pray they’ll tip us in the right direction.
In fact, we should all pray for them.
They’re going to need it.
See you out there.