
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Good Conversation

Saturday, May 20, 2023

I enjoy good conversation.

I especially like it when it involves a cup of coffee.

However, it seems most of my conversations now are on a cellphone.

It seems more and more, in every facet of my daily life, automation is taking over and stealing that good one on one interaction.

Gone are the days of a quick chat in the hallway, replaced by texts.

We are a virtual society.

Human contact seems to be slipping away.

A majority of my conversations are now held with robots in the world of AI.

Nothing will ever beat in-person communication.


Humor and empathy are much more powerful in real life.

Social media will never be able to truly capture that.

A great conversation is actually less about talking than it is about listening.

Listening takes time and it seems now we are always in a hurry.

Slow down.

A friend of mine who was nearing the end of his life shared with me his philosophy.

He said that looking back on it, life is all about relationships.

Not just family and friends, but the grocery store clerk, the mailman, the new neighbor down the street.

Take some time to engage these folks.

In our current divisive society, I’m convinced the only way forward is to entertain more good conversations.

It’s all about dialogue.


I enjoy a good conversation.

Pardon me while a brew pot of coffee and try to lure someone into a good old fashioned talk.

See you out there.

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