Summer Safety
The sunshine and heat have returned.
Summer is no longer a distant dream, but don’t let it turn into a nightmare.
Before we dive into summer fun, let’s remember that clear skies can turn dark with all kinds of danger.
Summer is the season that typically sees an increase in accidents related to outdoor activities.
Be careful at your favorite fishing hole and be on the lookout for those out walking and ATV’s.
Wear sunscreen, remember to stay hydrated, and don’t forget the bug spray.
A reminder also to practice fireworks safety.
There are literally thousands of firework injuries treated in our nation’s emergency rooms during the Fourth of July period.
Sparklers and bottle rockets are two of the main offenders.
Practice pool safety.
I also want to remind you to practice safety with your pets.
Hot dogs belong on the grill, not in parked cars.
On an eighty degree day the temperature inside a parked car an reach 100 degrees in just ten minutes.
Combine any summer activities with alcohol and the risk for injuries increase greatly.
Now that I’ve completely dampened your spirits, go out there and have fun!
Just make good choices.
Make summer last as long as possible.
Using caution is a good way to increase the likelihood that you can enjoy all of it.
Stay safe.
See you out there.