Democracy and trash
Trash is once again at the forefront of discussion around town.
The proposal for CLGW to provide trash services has sparked much debate throughout the community.
The phone calls and emails I’ve received seem to be against it.
Many have stated the community was not involved in this decision.
They remind that not too long ago they made their opinion on a single city-wide carrier well known.
I see the pros and cons for this endeavor.
I like the idea of being able to set out limbs, furniture, etc. throughout the year.
On the negative, concerning automated trucks, research shows they have high maintenance costs.
Listening to those that oppose this venture, I’m not so sure it’s all about a single provider, as much as, not being heard through a vote.
They want the proposed service to be a ballot issue.
Which begs the question is the will of the people always the correct decision?
In fact, does the will of the people truly exist?
Does true democracy really exist?
History and life in general shows we learn to make good choices by making bad ones.
We learn from our mistakes, hopefully.
One thing seems certain.
CLGW will acquire the trash service and it appears the issue will not be placed on a ballot.
At some point we have to trust our elected officials, and city leaders, at least until the next election.
Controversial statement? Absolutely.
True democracy? Maybe. That’s debatable.
The trash issue in Kennett, single provider, littering, yard maintenance, never seems to have a simple solution.
One size does not fit all.
At least, we keep trying.
God help us, if we stop.
See you out there.