
Jeff Dorris

Deliberations from Dorris

Jeff Dorris is the Editor of the Delta Dunklin Democrat


Small Town Revival

Saturday, June 15, 2024

There’s a lot of talk around town regarding the new rental property inspection ordinance.

Some landlords are upset, and some tenants are struggling with it as well.

We’re told by the council that the objective of the ordinance is to ensure safe dwellings for the occupant.

Hopefully, it will assist in the cleanliness of our neighborhoods, as well.

We want to see our community cleaned up.

But, I think deep down we want to revive what we used to have.

We remember our small town back when there was lots of shops, gas stations, neighborhood grocery stores, and the Square was hopping.

Can you ever revive that? Bring it back to where it used to be?

I don’t think so.

Our town will never go back to the way it used to be.

But, that’s okay.

It can’t go back, anymore than we can.

We’ve changed, too.

Some changes are irrevocable. Plant closures and certain shops disappearing will always be a reality.

The town won’t be the same.

But, we can start from where we are now. What are our current assets?

What is the potential?

The only way forward is change, building from the existing assets, and honoring the vision of our forefathers.

Next week I’ll share how some small towns across America came back to life.

They even re-captured some of the most longed for aspects of small town living, specifically, the fellowship.

Everyone was connected.

If we can bring back pride, and fellowship to our community, a cleaner town will surely follow.

See you out there.

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