Psalm 19 Sums It Up Well
The nineteenth Psalm can be divided into two parts that well sums up how God teaches mankind about Himself. The first six verses deal with nature and what it teaches about God. The last eight verses deal with the Word of God.
Let’s begin with what the natural world teaches us about God. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” (Psalms 19:1) God created “the heaven and the earth” in the beginning. (Genesis 1:1) God’s creation is ever on display and teaches us of His glorious being. When you look up at the stars at night, you are seeing God’s handiwork. What grade would you give God’s workmanship in His creation? An A+ is not a sufficient enough grade to adequately portray our God’s awesome handiwork!
God’s power to create out of nothing everything we see in the natural world is marvelous. The design, the precision of all created things, tells of God’s wisdom. Paul said in the book of Romans, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (1:19-20) From God’s creation, we can know of His Godhood and eternal power. Only an eternal God could have the power to create all things which we behold daily.
Every day and night the created heavens and earth speak to us and reveal the knowledge of God. (19:2) Men who speak different languages all over the world hear what the voice of all created things says about God, its maker. (19:3) In verses 4-6, the Psalmist describes the circuit of the sun in the sky and how it brings its heat to the earth.
In the second section of Psalms 19, the Psalmist extols God’s Word. The words of the Bible are God-breathed (inspired) and reveal to us more about God and His will. Many acknowledge God’s existence, but deny that the Bible is His word, since they have no desire to be directed by it. Such irreverence toward God and His Word is inexcusable. (Romans 2:7-10)
God’s word is perfect! “The law of the LORD is perfect …” (19:7). We would expect nothing less from such a great God. Men throughout history have sought in vain for disharmonies and discrepancies in God’s Word. It is the perfect law of liberty. (James 1:25)
The purposes of God’s word are many. The word converts the souls of men, who have lost their way in the world due to sin. God’s word tells of His forgiveness. It tells of His love to send His Son to die to pardon man’s sins. (John 3:16)
“The testimony of the LORD makes wise the simple.” (19:7) Many men think they are too wise to accept God or the Bible. The simple are those who reject the word of God. God’s commands enlighten men’s eyes. (19:8) God’s word is more to be desired than gold. (19:10) When we obey God’s commands, we can expect the rewards God has promised in His book. (19:11) God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Yes, by following God’s word a man can live a life pleasing to God. (Psalms 19:12-14) God’s creation tells us of His Deity. God’s word tells us God’s will for our lives!